I've got spirit yes I do, I got spirit, how bout you!

I'm not too much of a converter these days. I dont wear my symphony x shirt much right now coz its too darn hot at the moment. I get everyone i know to listen to it, a few people have gotten into it a little bit, not to groupie status though yet.. damn them..
I request a name change of this topic. The name just makes me cringe >.< Sounds like some flamboyantly gay cheerleader is shouting that out :erk:

I just come to the forums and BAM! that topic name makes me look away or scroll down. Please just change the name lol

Hehe..yep I've got spirit. ;)

I got two SyX shirts and a beanie hat that I wear a lot. Sometimes people ask about them, and I usually just respond with "a metal band." If they show any interest after that, I'll gladly try to explain their music in greater detail.

Although I do blast SyX music in my car, I'm going to have to wait for the weather to warm up to roll down the windows and force others to hear it. :p

All of my friends know I love Symphony X. This is because after every time I've seen them live, I've told them all about the show with my great excitement plainly showing. :)

I've converted a few people to Symphony Xism, I don't think too many though.

Oh, and I'm going to join the fanclub soon (as in hopefully tomorrow). I would've joined right after it opened, but I've been so busy this past month that I haven't realized how much time has gone by.
Hahaha... this one time a few years ago I was at this camp, and some dude stood up in the middle of lunch and did that "Yes, yes, yes I do, I've got spirit, how 'bout you?" thing. And he pointed at someone who was supposed to keep it going, but it went dead silent and the guy just stood up and said, "Shut up!" It was hilarious, the whole place bursted into laughter - one of the funniest moments of my life. Thanks for reminding me of that with the subject line there.
SilentRealm said:
I'm not too much of a converter these days. I dont wear my symphony x shirt much right now coz its too darn hot at the moment. I get everyone i know to listen to it, a few people have gotten into it a little bit, not to groupie status though yet.. damn them..

Too hot eh?

Im freezing my ass off. It's been < 10º all week, and we just got dumped a foot of snow last night.. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HOT IS...