I've got spirit yes I do, I got spirit, how bout you!

May 9, 2003
I want to know how people show their love of Symphony X music to other people.

Basically, if you have logo decals or shirts. But also if you spread the word on the band to people and try to convert them to liking the band as well. Do you blast music real loud in your car? Or have you used their music during a presentation of some sort, or even if you have ever done a report or writing assignment with Symphony X as your subject.

These are just few examples of how some might show SyX spirit, but I am sure there are many other ways to do so.......and I would like to hear about them. You may be brief or maybe have a funny or interesting story to tell about an expirience you had with showing SyX spirit.

Me? Pretty much I blast their music in my car with my windows down for people to hear. Also, I try my best to get others interested, unfortunately I haven't had much luck with that....lol!
I'm always blasting the music in my car, and once the fan club merch gets shipped out, the decal will be proudly displayed on it. I've gotten many people into them, and don't plan on stopping there. Even my roomie who listens to rap (ugh) turned to me and went "woah, this song rules!" about smoke & mirrors. Ummmmm, oh, I wear the shirt I have of them all the time, so I guess thats part too. Anyone else got some good stories?
Well, I got the basic selection of t-shirts, and two decals on the back of my car, and of course I love to blast them in the car. All of my friends know I love SymX because I won't shut up about them. But I try to stick them into everything I do, not so much to spread the word, but because I love them so much. In my music appreciation class last year I wrote a paper on them, breaking down the song "The Odyssey" and comparing it to classical music. Also, i recently did a little speech in my Italian class about them (spoken in Italian of course). I've drawn many pictures of them, and written many stories inspired by them. So yeah, they pretty much rule my life :loco:
The Metal Chick said:
Well, I got the basic selection of t-shirts, and two decals on the back of my car, and of course I love to blast them in the car. All of my friends know I love SymX because I won't shut up about them. But I try to stick them into everything I do, not so much to spread the word, but because I love them so much. In my music appreciation class last year I wrote a paper on them, breaking down the song "The Odyssey" and comparing it to classical music. Also, i recently did a little speech in my Italian class about them (spoken in Italian of course). I've drawn many pictures of them, and written many stories inspired by them. So yeah, they pretty much rule my life :loco:
This may very well be the coolest post I've seen on this board yet.
How were the responses to your paper and your speech? (I've taken some EYE-talian as well);) I hope they went over well.
That's really great that you love them that much.

As for me, I am SO fucking thankful for a band like this. Different ways that I've shown MY obsessive appreciation include:

*Blasting the hell out of them in my last apartment and getting a myriad of responses, including threats of eviction:lol:.
*When I worked as a bouncer, when The Odyssey came out, I don't know how many people I played Inferno to on my portable; and they basically all dug it(of course).
*On the last tour I saw them 5 times and even waited two hours for the train back from New Haven in the freezing cold.
*I wear their mask T-shirt any chance I get.
*I made several tapes for people which included many a Symphony x song.
*I included some lyrics from "Wicked" in a letter to this girl I know.
*I gave MJR a present once.
*Throwing many parties where I've blasted their music tirelessly.
*I can't count how many times I've put all 5 Russell-era albums on shuffle play.

That's enough for now.
Prismatic Sphere said:
This may very well be the coolest post I've seen on this board yet.
How were the responses to your paper and your speech? (I've taken some EYE-talian as well);) I hope they went over well.
That's really great that you love them that much.

Wow, the coolest post? rock! You sure are a die hard too!

For my music appreciation paper, I got an A, I was so happy. I think my teacher was kind of interested in it too, judging by some of his comments that he wrote. As for my Italian speech, I busted my ass for weeks to come up with the perfect lines, and even memorized it. I don't think my teacher gave a crap though, and if my classmates had a clue as to what I was saying, they probably didn't care either. But that's the thing about being a true fan. It shouldn't matter if you can "convert," it only matters that you love the band and it shows.
Hmm... Well besides blasting the music in my car every chance I get, I frequently wear my V and Odyssey T-shirts. I've converted about 10 people so far who have been passionate Symphony X fans. Let's see... heh, I wrote a play in my acting class inspired by Through the Looking Glass. The assignment was to write a play using various forms of media as the lines in the play. Well 80% of it was Through the Looking Glass and A Winter's Dream. =) I was the only one who got over 100%.

Heh, and I must say, I thank Symphony X every day. After christmas when I got my 2 Symphony X t-shirts (and a framed picture of the 5 symphony x members with their autographs next to each of their names) and went back to school, I met 2 chicks who were also huge Symphony X fans and saw my Odyssey T-shirt. Thanks to Symphony X, I had long conversations with them and I'm proud to say, I'm currently going out with one of them. ;)

All thanks to Symphony X.

In September of the last year, i was invited by the most important claasical music radio station in my city. Me and the radio dudes made a program called "The Progressive Version of Classical Music".

Most of the songs we presented, were of the legendary group Emerson, Lake and Palmer. (They were the first progressive group who made prog versions of classical music works). I personally chose "The Death of Balance - Lacrimosa" by SymphonyX. As might know this song its based on Mozarts Requiem, after we transmited it we recieved many phone calls...many mexican classical music lovers enjoyed SymphonyX. They asked me where to get the "V". It was a good experience. :)
I wear either my V long sleeve tour shirt which I bought at the first show of the tour in London! or my Odyssey long sleeve tour shirt from the tour before. I have to spend most of my time trying to explain who Symphony X are to people when they see my shirt. There are also the dumb people who say "Never heard of them, must be shit" I don't waste my time with those fools.
Rediscovery (Part II) said:
There are also the dumb people who say "Never heard of them, must be shit" I don't waste my time with those fools.

AMEN to that, jesus. I get that a lot. HMm. SX exposures, blasting em everywhere, wearing my Mask or V shirt at least one time per week @ school. And there was that time where I had to explain progressive metal to my spanish class... in short, no one heard of it, and i looked like an ass. oh well, not the first time.
i wear my odyssey tour shirt with pride even though people say the middle siren looks like a guy (it sorta does)

also just blast it in my car.

Also my brother played the odyssey for his teacher when they were reading the book and i guess she really dug it.
Lol.......good replies so far! Wicked Inferno, I remembered a while ago that we read The Odyssey in like 7th or 8th grade, so I have thought about if I was in that grade now that it would have been cool to play the song for the teacher. The only thing that I find weird is that your brother's teacher allowed almost thirty minutes of class time for a song, teachers usually won't do that!

BTW Luis..........LOL "Eye of the Tiger" rules!
I guess I was never too spirited. I wear the shirt, and let people hear Symphony X every once in a while, but that's about it. I'm not obsessive or anything, I just really really like the music.
Wicked Inferno said:
should see if they'll let me play the new iced earth cd in history class
OMG.....lol! The lyrics on that cd (except The Reckoning) are right out of a history book! I mainly just listen to the music on this album because I tried to read the lyrics along with the music and it was just so boring.
well i wear one of my symphony x shirts as often as i can. i always walk around with my cd player blasting symphony x. ppl often ask what im listening to, and i try to get them into it. if they have any sense of what good music is, they will like it.

in my school there is sign language class. and one of the assignments you get in the year is to sign the lyrics of a song of your choice. i wanted to take that class just so i could do symphony x.

as soon as i get a car that is worthy of a symphony x logo i will get one.

symphony x rules!