Your friends/family members opinions on Damnation

My Dad thought it was pretty cool, lets me have it on in the car when he's driving me somewhere.

Mother hates it, says it sounds like, and I quote, "the music of hell". She's a fundamentalist christian.
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Bleakest Harvest said:
My Dad thought it was pretty cool, lets me have it on in the car when he's driving me somewhere.

Mother hates it, says it sounds like, and I quote, "the music of hell". She's a fundamentalist christian.

haha that line reminds me of the movie detroit rock city
mum: I like it, but I find it a bit boring, I prefer the growling albums I think

dad: I like it, it's eerie. Blackwater Park is still my favourite though.
All my non metal friends think it's too depressing, but my dad likes it a lot and all the girls who have listened to it. It's nice to "butter" up girls for the night :D
I played it for my best friend and he said it just wasn't the style of music he likes. I just loaned a copy to my sister yesterday and she has commented in the past that she likes some of the clean stuff from Blackwater Park that she has heard me playing so I think she'll like it.
my mother likes it alot better than the albums they growl on, she likes softer stuff.

my dad wont even try it, he said it was tolerable, but he listens to country.

my sister listens to rap and pop and wont even try to listen to it. If i take her somewhere she takes her CD player.

my little brother (9) he likes the heavyer albums better. He doesnt like Damnation really at all. Opeth is the only band he can recognize :)
Reanna said:
my little brother (9) he likes the heavyer albums better. He doesnt like Damnation really at all. Opeth is the only band he can recognize :)

AHHHH! Get him while he's young! Lol. :tickled: I hope he grows to be a big fan. :)

Let me just share with you what just happened last night. My cousin came over with the kid he was babysitting, and my parenst were having a party so one guy sent his kids over here too. So there's this 12 or 13 year old girl (8th grade) in my room with my cousin and two other lil kids, and they're all watchihg me and my cuz play games on teh computer (there was nothing else to do). Well, who else should be in my stereo but Opeth, and so 10 minutes or so after she came in she's like "Do you have any better music, like Eminem or something?" and I nearly have a heart attack.

I tell her to never utter the words Eminem in my room again and I turn the music louder. hahahha :D

Stupid pop rap music...
illbeleavinnow said:
Well, who else should be in my stereo but Opeth, and so 10 minutes or so after she came in she's like "Do you have any better music, like Eminem or something?" and I nearly have a heart attack.

I tell her to never utter the words Eminem in my room again and I turn the music louder. hahahha :D

Stupid pop rap music...

my sister has tried to put Eminem in... i nearly killed her one day inthe car. lol
Thanks for the replies guys/girls. I was really wondering about how peoples friends and or family members felt about Damnation since its a light album that consists of clean vocals only- as opposed to Opeth's heavier material.

As far as family feelings are concerned I would have to say that my girl-f is quite impressed with it. She really seems to appreciate it every time I play it. She tells me that it sounds very romantic and sometimes feels that I'm thinking about some other chick when I'm playing the cd, as if I'm remembering some girl from long ago that I once liked which I think is kind of funny and amusing hehe. Anyway the point is that she enjoys it and acknowledges that the band has talent.
