Recent content by A Stranger

  1. A Stranger

    vid of my band covering Murder

    Hey. Iv put a clip up on youtube of my band playin live. The first part is one of our own songs and the second is part of our cover of Murder. Let me know what you think
  2. A Stranger

    The Random Thread!

    im so bored iv read most of this thread.
  3. A Stranger

    Post Links To Your Musical Projects Here

    set up a myspace page for my stuff
  4. A Stranger

    myspace profiles.... is my new profile. Hopfully this time il actually remember my password and which email account i used to set it up...
  5. A Stranger

    Post Links To Your Musical Projects Here What do you mean i ripped the name off? What?STOP LOOKING AT ME!
  6. A Stranger

    Katatonia mentioned in Playboy!

    well if your gona pick a group of people in the world to hate for no apperent reason then you should really find a group other than beautiful katatonia loving playboy models. In fact i find it hard to believe that i was able to say that last sentence in any context other than a realy bad...
  7. A Stranger


    theyr cool. i only really heard choronzon but most my metal friends are head over heels in love with the new one. il probably hear it soon enough.
  8. A Stranger

    What gigs are you going to? Arrange meets.

    opeth 12th june vicar street dublin. ne1 else goin?
  9. A Stranger

    Katatonia and Tom Waits

    the identity of the mysterious hobo is finaly revealed!!!!! [/shock]
  10. A Stranger

    This.... Is aweful (Murder)

    at least they have good taste in music. even if they cant play.
  11. A Stranger

    Happy birthday Jonas

    Happy birthday!
  12. A Stranger

    Katatonia and Silent Hill

    seein the film tonight. hope its good. i own every one of the games and i love em.
  13. A Stranger

    THE FUNNY THREAD idiots trying to drink flaming sammbucca
  14. A Stranger

    Katatonia 9 years on

    i wish i could sell out...