Recent content by abt

  1. abt

    YT: Cannibal Corpse - Decency Defied Full Cover

    This would be great mix practice! (wink wink)
  2. abt

    I need a vocalist

    I'm looking for a session singer for a couple of tracks. No clean singing required on these. If you're interested or know any session guys please let me know.
  3. abt

    Tracking guitar question (play right through vs riff at a time)

    I still don't get it, the clips on the single track are the same as the separate tracks right? At least that’s what they look like in the picture. If that's the case then you need to adjust your crossfades. You can even make them so the crossfades overlap so there's no change in volume between...
  4. abt

    Tracking guitar question (play right through vs riff at a time)

    I don't understand, the top single track should sound fine, it it doesn't then something is wrong. Are you putting a cross fade between the clips?
  5. abt

    what is your tuning & strings gauge ?

    Fuck I hate this thread. Drop tuning is an iternval pattern not something lower than E standard E Standard - EADGBE Drop D - DADGBE D Standard - DGCFAD Drop C - CGCFAD See the differnce?
  6. abt

    Sampling a real Acoustic Drumkit

    Watch Sam Pura's creative live course. It's not that hard.
  7. abt

    Preamp Gain vs Pad

    I don't know what gear you're using but I always go with the boost early cut late idea. The further down the chain you start boosting the higher the noise floor will be. Having said that it depends on what happens to the sound when you start doing any cutting or boosting. If it's hitting the pre...
  8. abt

    Guide Tracks / Tempo

    All choruses the same but sometimes I make them a few bpm quicker if the entire song is one temp.
  9. abt

    Sampling a real Acoustic Drumkit

    I'd use Kontact or Battery.
  10. abt

    Line 6 Helix - pod replacement

    It looks amazing, let's hope it sounds as good. I think the price is fine if it delivers on sound. I have a kemper but I'd get one if its good. I've contemplated an axe fx for heavily effected, crazy tones, but there's something about the sound I can't stand. I think it's them delay and reverb...
  11. abt

    Drumagog 5

    If you can wait a day or two I'll do a head to head on a few tracks. In the meantime could you please try this with Trigger - Generate a blip of audio and put it right at the start of the drum track. I use Pro Tools signal generator. Make sure you put the blip right on zero. Make it loud enough...
  12. abt

    NorCal death metal

    Good shit man. I really liked it. That video though...
  13. abt

    URGENT - Fixing Snare Loss after mastering

    Got a clipper on the snare? Clip it hard and it will stop the transient getting squashed.
  14. abt

    Looking for album/band art - recommendations

    ^ thanks. I actually saw that list after posting here, it's huge! You're right, it's almost too big to be usable. It would be good if the list was for artists actually looking for work. A lot of these are well estabilshed and would have plenty lined up.
  15. abt

    TSE X30 demo (New X50 2.4 update)

    Thanks. I tested it a while back and there was no preset manager so that's good to hear.