Drumagog 5


Jan 24, 2012
Why no love around here for Drumagog 5? Something specific wrong with it? I've been messing around with it lately, it's seems pretty great. Just wondered if someone had specific problems with it and that's why no love. I've used trigger, Massey , I think this one holds it's own. I'm running protools 10 delay compensation set to long, it seemed to be very accurate and user friendly.
Holds its own? You want some love? I'll give you some love. I'll go on record and say that it blows all those others out of the water. Since I bought it haven't touched Trigger. The auto-align feature is incredible. If you print the tracks and look at the sample verses what you triggered it with you'll see that it's matched up all the little peaks. The sound difference it huge.
I wasn't looking for love, although I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside now, thanks. Lol. I just see a lot of people on here talking about drum replacement , phasing, alignment etc, but no one ever talks about drumagog 5.
Drumagog gave me gog5 last year as support and I tried it out happily (being that I loved gog4) however, while being great for audio, the midi engine on gog5 is terrible. I support drumagog5, but I don't use it for midi at all.
I wasn't looking for love, although I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside now, thanks. Lol. I just see a lot of people on here talking about drum replacement , phasing, alignment etc, but no one ever talks about drumagog 5.

I'm bringing the love!

^ I think the lack of love is old also, and comes from the old versions that werent so good either.

I'd have to agree with this. Even the GUI was terrible.

Drumagog gave me gog5 last year as support and I tried it out happily (being that I loved gog4) however, while being great for audio, the midi engine on gog5 is terrible. I support drumagog5, but I don't use it for midi at all.

I've used the MIDI and didn't find it too bad. It's no worse than any of the others. What I have found that if you are using it with a drum VI like EZDrummer, it's much better to print the vi drums first then use drumagog on them. This way you can make use of the time alignment feature. If you trigger drumagog from midi then it have nothing to time align to.

I've also noticed that it's really important to print the drumagog output to audio. This has always solved any flamming or phase issues.
Drumagog 5 is fantastic, a use it frequently, no problems at all.
There's also a guy from the company in this forum, that helped me in the past.
Most people on here have been using Slate samples,and when the trigger has arrived they jumped on it.This and Slate's marketing campaign on the forum were the reasons.
I never been fond of Slate samples.and I think that Drumagog 5 is better than Trigger.
Personally,I am happy with cubase' hitpoints to midi function.
People don't like D5 around here cause it sucked when it was released. I tried it and it was buggy as hell. Im sure they fixed all that now but trigger is awesome so why even bother.
Bumping this to ask how the MIDI out feature is? Phase accurate?

Trigger 2 is broken dogshit in Cubase 8 and Slate hasn't updated the plugin since March of 2014 + won't give me an ETA on the new one. I'm ditching so I can actually get work done. Not sure if I should get Drumagog 5 or wait for Aptrigga3.
If you can wait a day or two I'll do a head to head on a few tracks. In the meantime could you please try this with Trigger - Generate a blip of audio and put it right at the start of the drum track. I use Pro Tools signal generator. Make sure you put the blip right on zero. Make it loud enough to trigger Trigger. Then proceed as usual. When you drag out the MIDI, obviously its really quick to align because you just drop it at zero, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I swear it works, I have no idea why. When I do it this way it comes out way more accurately, it's not the same result if it start part way through the song.

There's probably a demo version of Drummagog. I don't love it as much as I used to. If you're going to demo it you should know a few things, its a CPU hog, which is fine but I find it doesn't throw useful errors, instead it just doesn't want to play nice.

Another thing, and this is super important, it's terrible at live tracking. When you play back you'll hear things randomly out of time. If you print the output this goes away.
When I looked in to upgrading Lord knows how long ago, the upgrade cost more than buying trigger outright, and trigger came with slate samples. Not to mention that earlier versions of drumagog were pants at aligning with the original samples. Wasted years of my life chopping up and manually aligning the samples. I'm sure the newer one is just fine, but I've no interest in changing a working methodology at this stage of my career. Don't have the time to piss about learning new stuff.
Right, so this makes D5 sound kinda shitty, too. I definitely need to demo it, will be doing that this weekend. Cubase's works in a pinch but is a bit more tedious. At least then I KNOW it's all accurate cause I've checked every hitpoint out of necessity.
Take this with a grain of salt because i do not have experience using drumagog 5 the way that you are going to use it, but i find d5 to be very solid and phase accurate for augmenting. I only sample replace and then print it to a new track though. Id be surprised if the midi section didnt work great because i think the plugin is great. That doesnt mean it is though, only speculating. Can you try a demo maybe? Cheers dude
Bumping this to ask how the MIDI out feature is? Phase accurate?

Trigger 2 is broken dogshit in Cubase 8 and Slate hasn't updated the plugin since March of 2014 + won't give me an ETA on the new one. I'm ditching so I can actually get work done. Not sure if I should get Drumagog 5 or wait for Aptrigga3.

Trigger 2 is an absolute garbage fuck in pro tools 11. It's literally the only plugin that holds me back from using Pro Tools 11 100% of the time.