Recent content by aenimic

  1. aenimic

    whos the best shred artist?

    the end solo in 'time traveller' again is another mockery, sounds like a piano but its not, also being able to play normal right handed, playing with fingering hand inversed and playing amibidextrous takes a hell of a lot of practice especially he cold play at the same speed amibidextrous. Also...
  2. aenimic

    Views On British Metal Bands

    i was only scratching the surface there, only a few bands that i thought of in 10s. I dislike hundred reasons 2, just lotsa people seem to like it here uhh!, inme were good to start off with but got boring. raging speedhorn is pretty good stuff and so is cradle of filth. And i like one minute...
  3. aenimic

    Coolest guitar riff ?

    most of slayers stuff are nice and agressive, shadows fall have some quite nice riffs too. Well come to think of it most heavy bands do, Pantera and sepultura too for me.
  4. aenimic

    Views On British Metal Bands

    never heard of that band, try some of INME, hundred reasons, one minute silence, phony, raging speedhorn, cradle of filth etc
  5. aenimic

    whos the best shred artist?

    to anyone, who is the best shread artist in your opinion with some of the fastest shreds? my personal favourite is some of michael angelos shreds and its pretty hardcore in one of his old scenes where he brings down his 4-necked guitar and plays some terrifyingly fast solos. I think he blatently...
  6. aenimic

    In Flames & Soilwork fan?

    which do u prefer inflames or soilwork? i seem to find around that soilwork is becoming vastly popular yet i still reckon inflames is much better, no offence to soilwork fans, but i just never caught on to it and didnt find it too original, please list me better soilwork songs so i can download...
  7. aenimic

    Views On British Metal Bands

    good to see british metal is liked. The reason i posted was because ive been told my many americans ive known that british metal is ponsey wannabe metal. good to see i proved them wrong, thanx peeps
  8. aenimic

    Am I the only one so into PanterA or what?

    i think pantera are a brilliant band but its probably been put down a bit since many people may have found aut about them a while after. Despite that they were one of the original heavy metal bands and in this section metallica had much more popularity over them as it appealedt o many, but...
  9. aenimic

    Has Death Metal gone stagnant?

    true actually, well its pretty stagnant where i live in britan, despite you will still find many true metallers who are fans of death metal, maybe its more active in different areas.
  10. aenimic

    Views On British Metal Bands

    im just wondering really from those who live in britan or from outside what main views on british bands are. Some people ive spoken to from foreign countries belive british metal is a failure yet that is untrue. bands such as hundred Reasons, cradle of filth, inme, one minute silence, akercocke...
  11. aenimic

    Has Death Metal gone stagnant?

    i think that death metal has become stagnant as most newcomer bands dont have much originality in their music to keep it going and a good style takes a lot to be selected out from other death metal bands. most new death metal bands are terribly average but most of the originals and older stuff...
  12. aenimic

    I Think Disturbed is Good, So Sue Me!

    disturbed have some great stuff yeh, especially off their older album and a few off of belive but the band has been put down generally at the moment becuase of being classed as nu metal, but that doesnt exactly make it a bad band at all, they have some great songs such as sickness, shout 2000...
  13. aenimic

    My St. Anger experiment

    they have credit for their older stuff but st. anger is a sheety song compared to rest of the old material as st. anger has followed much more nu metally theme