whos the best shred artist?


llBullet The Blue Skyll
Jul 10, 2003
back of your mind
to anyone, who is the best shread artist in your opinion with some of the fastest shreds? my personal favourite is some of michael angelos shreds and its pretty hardcore in one of his old scenes where he brings down his 4-necked guitar and plays some terrifyingly fast solos. I think he blatently takes the mick when he plays cus from watching him teaching people to play his solos and shreads he does it so effortlessly and shows off switching sides of fingering and randomly picking his guitar in different positions and sustaining a constant solo for 6 minutes i have to say is quite amazing. if you know of other shreads please tell me, like any van halen stuff etc.
I like wanking too...except I don't need a guitar to get off.
Esteban said:
Awesome guitar player, one of my favorites. But the best has to be Michael Romeo.

He plays fucking amazing solos live...

Um...Let's see...

John Petrucci is really good at shredding. The Glass Prison's first solo is fucking insane. I agree with Yngwie, even though he can't write songs worth shit, he can shred like no other...

Steve Vai and Joe Satriani are also very talented...
Yngwie pretty much kicked the world in the ass in 1984 with his solo debut. He is old, fat and boring now, but to be honest, his early stuff was soo good, guitar progression as far as shred is concerned has progressed at barely a crawl. Twenty years later, you can't really say anyone "kicks his ass."
In fact, Yngwie doesn't sell so many CDs anymore and doesn't draw a large crowd, but I bet he sleeps well at night knowing he (with Vai) frustrated more guitarists than probably anyone ever to live.
I am a guitarist with 18 years of playing under my belt and I can play very few of his licks. While he is not my favorite guitarist (number two though behind Wolf Hoffmann) if you can play his stuff cleanly, you are a very talented person.

Rob Jarzombek of Spastic Ink/Watchtower has some of the most insane riffs ever...Jeff Loomis from Nevermore can rip crazy shit with ease, Jason Becker is an obvious influence on him...my favourite is still Satch though, most diverse and soulful of the shredders in my opinion...Vai is crazy too...