Recent content by Albinoblacksheep

  1. A

    Something wild-listeners!!

    okay, thank you, you were very helpful. No, I don't know, what is google??? My dear, I'm not stupid. I mean interviews from magazines. And furthermore, your English isn't better than mine Thank you.
  2. A

    Something wild-listeners!!

    Hey, just to be sure, that it hasn't been discussed yet. I look for Hatecrew Fans who have listened to CoB from the first record on and who have read interviews on this Album!! This is for checking something, I wanted to know if it has a reason. Please write to me and answer to this thread, I...
  3. A

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Well, I'm not new, but I just have seen this thread now and remarked that I haven't been bothering you all with my oh-so-interesting personality ;-) Uhm, I'm 17, and...a fan of Children of playing guitar and the violin. Hello there!
  4. A


    Hey guys, if there is someone of u going to Kaufbeuren on 14th january, please tell me cuz I seek somebody who can take me and my friends to trin station after the gig. Would be nice. :Spin: