Recent content by AmirH

  1. AmirH

    BETA TESTING - New free VST ampsim!

    Just wanna say that this sounds AMAZING. Please, please, please, make this available for mac.
  2. AmirH

    What new Swano projects are in the works?

    Only one new track!!! lame :(
  3. AmirH

    Some prog rock I recorded the other day

    Well, with the exception of the new one and the hilarious rap metal track I agree- they need structure. Mostly stuff I've done in like 3-4 hour time periods when I'm not working. I wish it was easier to get in contact with Tim. Maybe I'll fire off an email and see if he's interested in singing...
  4. AmirH

    What new Swano projects are in the works?

    There's a new Odyssey? Gonna check that out immediately. Disappointing news about second sky. Unicorn was one of my favorite Dan projects. I bet if/when it gets released it really will be the best thing ever.
  5. AmirH

    Some prog rock I recorded the other day

    Some of you guys might remember songs I've posted here in the past under the sn "Death's Acre" in collaboration with another forum member. Some of you requested new tunes from the two of us, but it's been a long time since we've talked and we're both fairly pre-occupied with busy schedules/lives...
  6. AmirH

    What new Swano projects are in the works?

    Hey guys, it's been ages since I've posted- I'm in a PhD program and it absolutely eats up time. Still, it's been a long time since I heard new music from Dan, so I was wondering what's in the pipeline. I've been waiting YEARS for Second Sky!
  7. AmirH

    Put your name on the list!

    1. The Usurper 2. Jimbob 3. DinoB 4. AlexGuinness 5. Deadlift 6. Ruun 7. jkk 8. rushanne 9. Joyful Sorrow 10. the fiend 11. Earthbound 12. Uncreation 13. mylovedenied 14. Beesson6606 15. TheWickerMan 16. Xytras 17. darkcubus 18. boogiemonster 19. Nega 20. russel 21. mattcira...
  8. AmirH

    Search for the Ultimate Tuning of Metal

    I stumbled upon a neat sounding one several months ago- cfcbge It chords well and has a nice range. It took me about a month to adjust but now I don't play in anything else.
  9. AmirH

    Song I'm mixing/collaborated on

    Hey guys- one of my best friends came over last week and we ended up recording until about 4:30 in the morning :p He's a hip hop guy, but he wanted me to throw in some metal flair- which I was skeptical of, but I think the approach we took worked out. My friend still needs to record more vox...
  10. AmirH

    Need new pickups !

    Hmmm, I think you might be overgeneralizing a bit. Two mahogany guitars can sound quite a bit different, and my experience with the JB has varied greatly guitar to guitar. I've found that in some guitars, the JB sounds smooth and clear with a crunchy palm mute and bottom end that is tight...
  11. AmirH

    Looking for pickup advice

    I think it's more that you don't get the same type of compression as with a hot passive, which is why actives tend to be so clear. In terms of dynamics- not quite. You can get a great piano like clean from an 85 neck, but generally they output quite a lot and are less sensitive to the volume...
  12. AmirH

    Trade: I'll master your songs/you do vocals on mine...

    What sort of vocals are you after? I and many others can growl but you'll have a harder time finding someone if you want singing.
  13. AmirH

    check my new song! (A#drop, pod xt, deathcore)

    You sir, are an amazing guitarist. Jesus Christ... those riffs are just wonderful.
  14. AmirH

    Bloodbath - "Unblessing......" audio samples

    I heard these a few weeks ago. I feel it's overall a progression musically, but it would have been more melodic and better overall if Dan had a hand in it. That said, I will probably heavily enjoy this release for the pure brutality.
  15. AmirH

    Recommend me a passive bridge pickup

    All these pickups will need to be boosted with a TS either way for any clarity in B. I've had a lot of experience searching for good passive bridge buckers. A lot of people find what they need in emg and stick with em. I've always found them a bit one-dimensional so I did a lot of research...