Recent content by Armon Amarth

  1. Armon Amarth

    Now playing thread

    Therion - Blood of Kingu
  2. Armon Amarth

    Favourite cartoons of you, metalheads !!

    these are really good: spongebob south park simpsons family guy american dad
  3. Armon Amarth

    Now Playing?

    Children of Bodom - Fear of the Dark
  4. Armon Amarth

    Now Playing?

    Celtic Frost - Progeny
  5. Armon Amarth

    Now Playing?

    Thousand Years of Opression
  6. Armon Amarth

    What is the best Amon Amarth song ever?

    What do you think is the best amon amarth song ever? and why is it you favourite amon amarth song? i thin k Thousand years of opression is the best song because of the title and it has the best lyrics of all songs.:rock:
  7. Armon Amarth

    Amon Amarth top3-albums!

    1. Fate of Norns 2. Versus the World 3. With Oden on our Side
  8. Armon Amarth


    i am from swizerland and i love Amon Amarth
  9. Armon Amarth

    The now reading thread ...

    im not a loser. i only dont read books. i often read lyrics and i read enough in this forum.
  10. Armon Amarth

    How Did You Get Into Amon Amarth?

    I have senn the pursuit of vikings video in the tv. first i downloaded the songs and now im only buying it. and now theyre my favourites
  11. Armon Amarth

    The now reading thread ...

    I do not read
  12. Armon Amarth

    Your Viking name is...

    Arnoddr Backstabber Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You might be able to hold your own on the battlefield, but you're no...
  13. Armon Amarth

    Favourite "With Oden On Our Side" track

    The best song is defenetly UNDER THE NORTHERN STAR!!!!!