Recent content by BabyDuck

  1. BabyDuck

    Into Eternity Photos

    my website Proofing Galleries Password: nagoya
  2. BabyDuck

    Into Eternity Photos

    Images from Osaka Japan click: my website click: Proofing Galleries Enter password: Osaka
  3. BabyDuck

    Into Eternity Photos

    Hey all, I haven't even started adding my band photography yet (IE, Dragonforce, Symphony X, Dream Theatre, etc) nut my spanky new website has all my cool artsy crazy stuff that I'm really proud of! Have a look see let me know what you think!
  4. BabyDuck

    Dreamtheatre tour Pictures

    i miss you
  5. BabyDuck

    Dreamtheatre tour Pictures

    Last but not least!!!The FUN stuff!!!The last album from my trip south with them boys..... Cortney
  6. BabyDuck

    Dreamtheatre tour Pictures

    IE in Universal Studios ! ******* I didn't take many because the Magenta Lights were TERRIBLE!!!! So I tried a few, and enjoyed the rest of the show, So please forgive *****
  7. BabyDuck

    Dreamtheatre tour Pictures

    OOOOPS!!!! ha... I also Got the Phoenix Show up Now!... I'm on a roll!
  8. BabyDuck

    Dreamtheatre tour Pictures

    I just finished the Phoenix Into eternity show, still to come same venue, Redemption & Dream Theatre and the universal studios show Cortney
  9. BabyDuck

    Into Eternity Photos

    I've finally had time to get some photos up from the dreamtheatre tour!! I just finished the stock and the SanDiego shots (IE, Redemption & DT)! please check my website C
  10. BabyDuck

    Into Eternity Photos

    I've finally had time to get some photos up from the dreamtheatre tour!! I just finished the stock and the SanDiego shots (IE, Redemption & DT)! please check my website C
  11. BabyDuck

    Sept.11th, 2007 - Into Eternity kicks off Edguy tour; new guitar lesson series posted

    but if I would have known you'd have gotten off your butt I would have stayed on till Connectikatickatuttutcut
  12. BabyDuck

    Into Eternity uses CHILD LABOR!

    yes. It' true
  13. BabyDuck

    New Drummer/Severe

    Well I love you Steve-o
  14. BabyDuck

    NC tonight!

    pictures please
  15. BabyDuck

    *GHASP!* IE made a grammer mistake!

    ok.. I'm awake now and can't remember how the gears were working to come up with anything... so just nevermind me... :)