Recent content by baphomet

  1. baphomet

    Anyone else notice the excessive use of the E chord?

    E sounds close to the d7/g5 cord they use a lot. I really don't see them using E in an excessive way. Maybe the d7/g5 is what you are hearing?
  2. baphomet

    favorite/least favorite song from each opeth album?

    I really don't dislike a lot of their songs. I picked from listening real quickly though my cds. Like everything my tastes change with my mood so my least favorite may be my favorite tomorrow. Orchid Favorite: The Apostle in triumph Least Favorite: Requiem Morningrise: Favorite: the night and...
  3. baphomet

    Top Ten Camel Songs

    Lady fantasy without a doubt, from your list. Its a song so progressive it almost defines the genre and the guitar lead is so inspiring.
  4. baphomet

    Beginning of Ghost of Perdition = Camel's Heroes

    Is it me or does the beginning of both Camel's "Heroes" sound a lot like "Ghost Of Perdition"? Not a big surprise as Opeth has stated that Camel is a influence but it's very apparent. Hell I "borrowed" a bit of their "Drapery Falls" for a song I wrote, (and I am open about it) but I thought it...
  5. baphomet

    Mikael in Stuff Magazine this month

    Sorry I don't have a scanner, just got this in the mail and low and behold what I read in their music section. No mention of their new album but it does feature a small picture of Mikael. Stuff Magazine December 05 2005, page: 62 A posers guide to Scandinavian Death metal: Opeth lead...
  6. baphomet

    I am happy for them

    I was very much not looking forward to them being promoted via a mainstream label, that in its self I could stand, the ideal of OPETH making a video I must admit scared me a little. I am very proud of them, I kinda feel like they are MY band, you know. I know anyone who had bought an OPETH...
  7. baphomet

    new interview

    Cool to hear from Per, or rather, its great to hear from other members besides Mike. Ha This has really peaked my intrest in hearing what Per adds to the new record.
  8. baphomet

    Chances of a "real" Opeth video

    Its fucking lame to stand there, looking at a camera and pretend to sing your song, play your unplugged guitar, etc. One of the things I dig about Opeth is they dont cheese out like that. I would much rather see a show recording or something like what tool does.
  9. baphomet

    Happy Birthday Mikael

    lycklig födelsedag Mikael, jag förhasta du känna du ar måsta förbruka alkohol på eder födelsedag till juridik Happy birthday Mike
  10. baphomet

    Ho ho, Guess Who's Touring With Opeth Again.....

    What I dont get is why the label keeps booking them with metalcore bullshit bands. I keep hearing, "dont label opeth" but they are being labeled with these shit hardcore bands. Again just my 2 cents but I suppose this is the price a band needs to pay to spread their music.
  11. baphomet

    Opeth being great...and death growls

    I just got the New England Metal Hardcore Festival DVD and I can say, if by the bands that played, Opeth is not metal, Lacuna Coil and Opeth where the only two bands I could stand to listen to and they where the least "metal". These labels suck because it forces you to pack them in with other...
  12. baphomet

    Patterns in the Ivy I OR Patterns in the Ivy II?

    I voted for II, its just a more completed song to me. Patterns (I) seems like a into to something, I love the riff but its a little more like a interlude then a full song.
  13. baphomet

    "credecne" and Mancuz...!!!!......please listen..!!

    Not fucking bad man, checking out your other stuff.
  14. baphomet


    Top of my head: Nick drake Anathema Hopesfall Maudlin of the Well novembre old man gloom sharon isbin Ulver Vintersorg
  15. baphomet

    Windowpane on MTV Room Raiders

    I was just watching MTV's Room raiders and they played a few seconds of windowpane. I really thought it was interesting noting the fact that the show is sorta geared toward a more younger, more pop audience. It made me smile and give hope, then they went into TRL and I got sad again, ha