I am happy for them


aeternus eternus
Dec 24, 2001
I was very much not looking forward to them being promoted via a mainstream label, that in its self I could stand, the ideal of OPETH making a video I must admit scared me a little.

I am very proud of them, I kinda feel like they are MY band, you know. I know anyone who had bought an OPETH record in the last two years, that I know, learned the band from me. The many burned samples, covers we would do, etc. I almost feel like they are a part of me. They where/are the band whom never "sold" out, had complex compositions (despite what many people think). I projected on them what I wanted my band to be, honest, truthful and expressionistic. The ideal of OPETH making a video was appalling to me.

The elitist behavior some of us show is fucking disgusting and I am guilty of it. They are a band, a band that is great, a band that WAS underground because of the growling (be honest) that now has a chance to break out to reach more people.

I want to say when I am asked "whats your favorite band", or “who is an influence" to say OPETH and be asked if I am talking about otep or encounter a puzzled look. I want them to be like my dusty "liber et floria" novel in my book case that I can pull out toshow my literary superiority, but I know that a band like OPETH will never be able to fulfill my bullshit, they are too good.

I downloaded the video last night and gave it a fair watch, I tried to see it for what it is, with eyes un-clouded and I think its OK, I was really expecting, from what I have heard, a sell out. I don't see that, I see the guys playing a little in front of a camera while the DP and editor fills in the rest. I am happy for them that they have gotten the chance to reach more people.

Hell Dali (the painter) was a giant money whore, he sold scribbles in his latter years for nothing more then dinner money.

I have come to understand that anyone, famous or infamous are just people, no-one is perfect, no group is perfect. This is how they make money. They are not a boy band and I have to except that they will play their lives out the way they see fit, not the way I hold them on the golden pedestal to be.