Recent content by Bassmasta

  1. Bassmasta

    Some bass help... might have a few videos/instructions on tapping. Cheers
  2. Bassmasta

    Some bass help...

    All the above stuff mentioned is great Here's another example for you to practice (a variation of the Metropolis Part I bass solo by John Myung of Dream Theater) ---------------11------------------12----------------14--- ----4---------------------5------------------7-------------...
  3. Bassmasta


    Um...not quite...heh :err:
  4. Bassmasta

    Who's in a band?

    Yep...I play bass primarily and sometimes acoustic guitar for acoustic sets in a band. I also play in jazz combos and such through school, for bass. Cheers
  5. Bassmasta


    Nah, sounds like regular tapped bass to me. Lepond's not known to use the stick anyways... Cheers
  6. Bassmasta

    Randy Rhoads tab book.

    Well, I havn't personally checked them out or anything but yeah I can see that. Better than nothing I guess, or if you don't want to buy the actual book. I'm assuming you meant plenty of INaccurate tabs, by the way... Cheers
  7. Bassmasta

    Randy Rhoads tab book.

    I'm sure there are plenty of accurate tabs on You should try checking them out. Cheers
  8. Bassmasta

    Spiral Architect guitar tabs?

    Holy shit batman! That tab must of taken that guy literally WEEKS to do...if only he had done Insect though...that's an awesome song. Still, that's an amazing feat.
  9. Bassmasta

    Spiral Architect guitar tabs?

    Spiral Architect is some insane stuff, some of it is completely uncountable [for me], or at least very difficult. I havn't seen any tabs online aside from like one or two bass tabs [that were pretty much wrong I think]. Sorry man Cheers
  10. Bassmasta

    Sx In Toronto

    I WISH I could've gone...but it was I'm pissed. Club Rocket is the official worst place they could EVER play....that place is a matchbox, and if there ever was a fire, everyone would die. Even lame-o battle of the bands people don't want to play there...*rolls eyes* Oh...
  11. Bassmasta

    Dream Theater - Train of Thought

    I can't wait for this album to come out....
  12. Bassmasta

    Anyone going to the G3 tour?

    I've got my tickets for the Toronto G3 show....can't wait for Yngwie to do some summersaults haha.
  13. Bassmasta

    Today I got the video Michael Romeo - The Guitar Chapter...

    While it did show you Mike's 'technical prowress' I don't think you really learn much from it. Not that many videos do mind I think that Mike would be a great teacher, and could put out and even greater video, that would be longer. Maybe he will. :)
  14. Bassmasta

    The latest official word on the SymX/Devin tour (as of 8/18/03)

    Man, that sounds really cool. I just hope they come back to Toronto....Jax is there any way you can get them to come back? :p I mean, there wasn't too many people there, well ENOUGH, and we we all really into it and headbangin and moshing so we seriously appreciate them. Maybe if you could...
  15. Bassmasta

    Your most hated metal albums!!

    !St. Anger!@#!# :grin: :hypno: