Recent content by Blood and Organs

  1. Blood and Organs

    The sad state of Dio

    I've found it very hard to listen to Tate after Empire...
  2. Blood and Organs

    Live in Florida? Listen up

    I'll have to check this out...
  3. Blood and Organs

    Back again after ages...

    Thanks to the site admin for helping me retrieve this name... I missed it...
  4. Blood and Organs

    Hours Passed In Exile

    Eh... 56k is too slow, besides I'm on cable so it'd probably be more convient for someone with cable to send it to me in order not to take up too much time but thanks for replying
  5. Blood and Organs

    Hours Passed In Exile

    Sorry, I'm on the eastcoast in Florida so the time doesn't exactly help but I'll add your names to my buddy list
  6. Blood and Organs

    Queensryche anyone?

    Yeah it was like that for me too, especially after Chris left but I'll always remain a loyal rychean.
  7. Blood and Organs

    Queensryche anyone?

    Queensryche rocked the 80s with Geoff Tate's flawless voice I can't get enough of Rage For Order and Operation: Mindcrime, I haven't heard too much from Queensryche since Chris De Garmo left and Geoff ruined his throat but they still remain one of my all time favorite 80s Progressive Metal bands.
  8. Blood and Organs

    Hours Passed In Exile

    Alright, my AIM is displayed as the title under my Forum name AIM: Abhor Amorous Email:
  9. Blood and Organs

    Hours Passed In Exile

    Damn I suppose I can't get any help...
  10. Blood and Organs

    Hours Passed In Exile

    Does anyone have this song in 192kbps? I have the album but my track 2 is all fucked up and I need a new one. Leave your AIM sn, or email me if you can send this too me please.
  11. Blood and Organs

    New here...

    Thanks, I like the forum setup. Plenty of options, feel free to I/M me so I can get to know some people here or share music
  12. Blood and Organs


    Well all I am is "blood and organs", bones and skin too, hair as well and other attributes but "blood and organs" was more catch than any other phrase I could think of at the time.
  13. Blood and Organs

    New here...
