Recent content by bodombeach321

  1. B

    Shredding Arps

    Hey, I really do not understand the concept of shredding through arpeggios. Now I heard the new Arch Enemy cd and the brothers do a few of those and i sounds really sick but i cant understnad if you play like a scale or the actual arpeggio. If you could explain this to me it would be great. I...
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    Guitar question

    Yeah if your talking about taking chords and then saying that patter like maj 7 min7 min7 maj7 min 7 then liek diminished. i do know quite a bit of theory
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    Guitar question

    Well thats where I am i sometimes play random modes but there are all on the same pattern I just don't always know if I am at the right part of the scale and making sure that it sounds good. i understand like if you star with Ionian and go through to the 7th note your playing ionian if you go up...
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    Guitar question

    OK I've been playing guitar for about 3 years. I play metal and more melodic sped metal and arpeggios. What im lost is how to connect the modes. I understand the patter there on but don't get how to solo and switch modes and make it sound good and make it flow together. If you guys would help me...
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    Is this guitar any good?

    Hey I just bought an Ibanez SA Series. I was just wondering if any one else liked this guitar because I think it rocks. The strings are so easy to shred on and there very smooth feeling.
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    New Album to be recorded this spring!!!!

    I seriously hope that there next cd isnt as bad as the EP. I really didn't like how Alexi sang at all and i would rather here like Hatebreeder/Follow The Reaper type stuff.
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    will mainstream win or Underground?

    In all of your opinions/thoughts what do you think will take over or be alive in the future. Mainstream/radio music or Underground Metal?
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    CoB not tr00 anymore?

    I really dont know why everyone is freaking out its not your band or your music, in my opinion you lety them do what they want when they wnat because there the ones who started this fucking crazy ass super good music soo let them do what they want i mean i kind of like how they change i dont...
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    Do you buy or download your albums?

    I Always buy my albums since i always have enough money id rather have the official album instead of having a cdr to play .
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    Have You Heard These Bands

    Has any one ever heard of Abominant or Thorazine?
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    Have You Heard These Bands

    ok cool i do like 80s power metal. I also like the thrashy blacm metal stuff so i should like most of these.
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    Have You Heard These Bands

    Hey i was wondering if any 1 has heard of any of thesse and actually have listened to them. If you could tell me if ne of them are good and who they sound like i might consider buying them but i was j/w if ne of them are bad or good Abysmal Fall Ad Noctem / Haemoth Alastor Ammit Amon...
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    I was just wondering what type of pickups would be good for a Jackson KE3 Kelly? I want a real good metal sound mainyl for soloing really fast and metal chords. If you could give me some suggestions thatd be awesome?
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    help me become a better guitar player im lost

    true very true lol yeah i guess they are at whole notes
  15. B

    help me become a better guitar player im lost

    my shredding is at 180 bpm and its all alternate picking