Recent content by Caracas

  1. Caracas

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Our turkey day weather was awesome...close to 80 with a nice breeze from the Gulf of Mexico...WAY better than the 8 degrees and snow we had on our honeymoon last week in Canada! Caracas
  2. Caracas

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Here's hoping everyone had a TRYPTOPHAN-TASTIC Thanksgiving! Caracas
  3. Caracas

    I missed it I think...

    ...and let's not forget my request (going on 7 years now) for some Division hats! I still get people asking me about the band whenever I wear my ATE shirt (the long sleeved one with the bodies all over it). Caracas
  4. Caracas

    Nemesis tonight

    Nemesis playing tonight at the First Break Cafe on Leesburg Pike. If you don't know them already, their music is like a cross between Sevendust, Staind, Taproot, Ill Nino. Here's a link to their website where you can hear samples: If you go, and talk...
  5. Caracas

    Kamelot @ Jaxx, Nov. 17th...

    I'm going to see them November 11th - the night before my wedding. Should be an interesting night, considering they're goingto be playing in a predominantly REDNECK bar that usually has more bathrooms than teeth in it. Caracas
  6. Caracas

    New Member Announcement

    Awesome news! Congrats Dave Caracas
  7. Caracas

    Terrorists to look for... Caracas
  8. Caracas

    A Time of Changes Yet Again

    Mike are you saying they're too 'gifted' to be in Division? :tickled: Caracas
  9. Caracas

    A Time of Changes Yet Again

    Check out this lot of you can see, lol, they've got the vocal capabilities and the dude in the white shirt has some 'stage presence'...maybe one of them plays a killer guitar too: :rock: hee hee :OMG: Caracas
  10. Caracas

    Motorcycle Accident

    Here's hoping she has a speedy recovery. Caracas
  11. Caracas

    A Time of Changes Yet Again

    Holy shit...I too have been away for a while, and come back to read this devastating news. As all the previous posts, and I'm sure others have done it verbally, I wish you all the best Matt. I only wish I could be there on the 20th for that one last show. I visited today to post that...
  12. Caracas

    Testament Show (a.k.a. Poor Caracas)

    ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!! Still nothing going on at Jaxx on 6/24...there is still a chance that you guys could play there. Jaxx hasn't confirmed anyone else yet...and JOP hasn't completely sealed their upcoming tour. So...there is still a chance... Either way, I'll still...
  13. Caracas

    daylight savings time

    Daym strayt! It don matter if da sun aint out...get out deya an workit! Caracas
  14. Caracas

    Happy Birthday Mike!

    So does that mean you've done away with counting candles and have resorted to ONE large candle? A flame thrower??? My that's quite a large wick you've got there Mr. Blevins! :hypno: he he he Caracas
  15. Caracas

    Happy Birthday Mike!

    Better make it a BIG cake to hold all them thar candles. He he Have a great one!! Caracas