Recent content by CreptorStatus

  1. CreptorStatus

    Is this DI good enough to reamp / am i going nuts?

    It was pretty damn low. Again, i pick pretty weird and I believe i dig in pretty good - so i was hitting the pick ups quite a bit when we played live and that's when i lowered them substantially. I should have remembered to raise them back up before recording because i feel like that made a...
  2. CreptorStatus

    Is this DI good enough to reamp / am i going nuts?

    Hey guys, just want to thank everyone for the tips and input. I'm strapped for time but got home and quickly replayed the verse riff after: A) raising my pickups B) using a harder sharper pick and.. C) palm muting alot more and ignoring how the ampsim sounded And not only can i hear a...
  3. CreptorStatus

    Is this DI good enough to reamp / am i going nuts?

    The angling of the pick might be a hard change for me.. i pick pretty odd using my thumb and middle finger. But ill add it to my list of things to test out.
  4. CreptorStatus

    Is this DI good enough to reamp / am i going nuts?

    Will do. Again, i feel like i pick pretty damn hard normally but who knows, maybe not. I also use a fairly light pick gauge. Might get out my sharp thick picks.
  5. CreptorStatus

    Is this DI good enough to reamp / am i going nuts?

    Thanks for the tip. I'll go back and look but i was trying to be careful not to let it clip when recording. Though I do have the level set as close to the red as possible. Most people ive talked to say i should try picking harder, so I'm going to try that out as well. I think the ampsim is...
  6. CreptorStatus

    Is this DI good enough to reamp / am i going nuts?

    Hey guys, Recently started tracking some guitar DI's to reamp later. I use EZmix guitars tones when tracking and they don't sound the best but work for my demo purposes. I stumbled upon this website where you can reamp your DI's through a kemper online and tested it out. BUT i cannot for the...
  7. CreptorStatus

    Mixing / Mastering / Re-Amping / Editing - NRQ's Studio

    Just wanted to drop in and say that Nikolas did a killer job reamping, mixing and mastering my bands new EP. We couldn't be happier - he was great to work with. Thanks again Nikolas!
  8. CreptorStatus

    Keyboard/vst for 7 Horns 7 Eyes, Dimmu/Emperor type sounds?

    If you dig around and go way back, Aaron Smith from 7H7E posted exactly what plug-ins he used for the album i believe.
  9. CreptorStatus

    Want an Evertune guitar, can't decide - LTD MH-1000 or EC-1000?

    I have the MH-1000 with an Evertune - works great in Drop C tuning. I was confused for awhile as well about lower tunings and different string gauges (had a 9 - 49 set of strings on mine which was the most tension it could handle according to the FAQ) until i saw a post from the Evertune...
  10. CreptorStatus

    Jens Bogren stem master comparison.

    This was great and super helpful. Thanks for posting these!
  11. CreptorStatus

    High gain head shoot-out!

    Came to this thread late but knew right away 1 was dat der Marshall. The peavey sounds great though, super impressed. Havent read up much on the 6534+.
  12. CreptorStatus

    Symphonic Metal Mix, Feedback please!

    The new mix sounds alot better than the first one. For sure. Except for that little bit of static in the beginning.
  13. CreptorStatus

    Any suggestions for my Tech Deathcore mix?

    When the hi-hat kicks in at around :30 it just sounds like static. Might be my shitty earphones using atm. Now that I've finished the track I'd say the biggest problem is the drum machine your using. The overhead samples sound pretty rough and the tom rolls sound extremely fake. Guitar...
  14. CreptorStatus

    My band's new album might be my best work yet.

    Sounds pretty good man! But something about that ride sounds a little off to my ears. Other than that its great.
  15. CreptorStatus

    JCA50h reamp

    Wow, i am impressed. The guitar tone sounds great! Is that an SM57?