Recent content by CrimsonForever

  1. C

    Matrix: Reloaded *SPOILERS!!!*

    I totally agree that the fights were too long. Somewhere in the middle there, it seemed like the movie just turned into some cheesy action movie. Most of the stuff in Zion was pretty unnecessary too. Kinda liked the way the plot progressed, with the architect and all, made one think a lot, just...
  2. C

    Best solo in SyX-song?

    The solo on Accolade II is the best solo ever IMO. Never heard a better one, except for maybe Vivian Campbell on Rainbow in the Dark.
  3. C

    ESP - *the* guitar for powermetal?

    I'd soooo love to have an ESP. I mean, no disrespect to my beloved US Strat, but I tried an M2 in a store once, and for that short period of time, playing that guitar, I actually thought I'd died and ended up in heaven. It was just divine.
  4. C

    most beautiful symph x song?

    A tie between the Accolades (I&II, for the intellectually challenged viewers :grin: ) and Candlelight Fantasia, with Awakenings as a runner-up.
  5. C

    Underrated Favorites

    Pharaoh, Witching Hour, Incantations of the Apprentice.... These are the songs I hear get bashed the most, though I think they're works of excellence, just like all other SyX songs.
  6. C

    The greater Accolade.

    I like I better overall, but I think the solo is just perfect on II, could listen to that one over and over.
  7. C

    Greatest Album of all time?

    Symphony X - Divine Wings Kamelot - Karma Dio - Holy Diver Edguy - Theatre of salvation These are in no particular order.
  8. C

    Overated "Favourites"

    Mine too, right after the Accolades.
  9. C

    Hey, I have a good idea for a game we can play...

    The ping is definitely Eyes of Medusa! The end of the solo. Can't see it being anything else.
  10. C

    Top 5 Guitarists

    1. Michael Romeo 2. John Petrucci 3. Yngwie Malmsteen 4. Henrik Danhage 5. Timo Tolkki And yeah, Tom Youngblood rules too :)
  11. C

    Best SX album

    DWoT is, IMO, the greatest album ever recorded. I could listen to this one over and over for like all eternity. After that, I'd say The Odessey, Twilight, and V in last place. Might be because I haven't listened to it as much as I have the other albums. Edit: I think Praraoh rocks too, so nyah!
  12. C

    What was the last CD you bought, and what do you think about it?

    Alright, I've listened to Live on the Edge of Forever now, and I just have to say... It totally rocks! I don't think I've ever heard a live album as good as this one before. These dudes are simply amazing.
  13. C

    What was the last CD you bought, and what do you think about it?

    I bought Live of the Edge of Forever a few days ago, but I haven't had time to listen to it yet :confused:
  14. C

    Pardon me, but I'm...

    The Edge of Forever ( has tons of tabs. They're in the downloads section. (If you click on the tablature link in the main window, you'll end up with nothing. Only way to go about it ATM is to go through the Downloads button at the top of the screen).
  15. C

    For those who want to become shred maniacs

    Excellent lessons dude! Those will really help me improve my right hand technique, (always been more comfortable playing legato) as well as my arpeggiating. Thanks!