Underrated Favorites


Apr 1, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Dunno if this is worthy of 'new-thread' or not. But all that talk of overated favorites got me curious about some underrated favorites that some people may have.
What SymX songs don't get alot of recognition but you find that you just can't get out of your head? What songs just kick some butt no matter what anyone else thinks of them?

For me I like Egypt, Smoke and Mirrors, just to name a couple.
SilentRealm said:
For me I like Egypt, Smoke and Mirrors, just to name a couple.

I LOVE smoke and mirrors. Personally the studio version is better.

Another song I really like that I've seen other people bash is Secrets. I love the chorus on that song. Its so catchy.
Everyone Hates Pharoah, I love it.

Eyes of Medusa is definatly my fav' heavy song of SyX, but not many people seem to think its that great, sure they like it, but I love it.
Yeah I agree with Absence of Light and Fools Paradise. They're both great. The harpsicord/tapping guitar frenzy at the end of the classical part is hella-cool.
Candelight Fantasia (The Best Symphony X Song)
Communion and the Oracle
Lady of the Snow
Smoke and Mirrors (The guitar is amazing)
Church of the Machine (Way different than most SX stuff)
The Damnation Game (The riffs are so cool)
Dressed to Kill (Amazing Opening Riff)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head
I reckon instead of closing with Of Sins and Shaddows, they should close with Turning.

\m/(~_~) \m/
.... """""
My top 3 underrated SyX songs are:

1) Pharaoh - I believe is one of SyX's best songs. And Russel's voice when he sings "Desecrators of Ra" is awesome!

2) Savage Curtain - I absolutely love the guitar solo in this song. For some reason is just sticks out whenever I listen to it. The rest of the song is cool, not incredible, but that lead puts it over the top for me.

3) Incantations of the Apprentice - Just for the Intro alone!
I could never get into the Witching Hour. But I really like Church of the Machine which I don't think gets enough credit.

b/t/w does anyone like my little guy with a beard making the \m/ sign?