Underrated Twilight gems

I don't know why most of the people don't like the song Relic, it is in my top 20, somewhere between 5-10.
I just love the song. I'd rate it 9/10.
Sonata is ...hmm... good, though, now when I think, it is kind of too simple for a cover; I would put more different harmonies and different style to make it more interesting.
Aw, Twilight in Olympus. I love how it blasts out of the gate with the intro solo in Smoke and Mirrors.
Through the Looking Glass is pretty much my favorite Symphony X song. It's just different and the chorus really speaks to me on many levels.
I don't really care for The Relic or Orion that much. Orion has a cool riff but both songs have a "Damnation Game" feel to them, which is strange since the album came out after the masterful "DWoT".
Sonata's presence on the album was a nice addition because of how it directly contrasts with COTM. It goes from chaos to tranquillity instantly and then eventually flows nicely into ITDD
Man, TiO for me is one of the greatest SX's masterpieces of all time! I don't know if it was because this was the first SX CD I bought and heard, or because it is in fact a great masterpiece. I mean, right now, 10 years after its release, my ears still can't reach for the perfection of the songs, lyrics, and whatsoever...
I think Through the Looking Glass is one of their awesomest songs because it really shows the versatility of the group. It has the heavy moments, prog elements, melodic chorus, and that great ambient section. And Russ's vocals are just bad ass.
Out of all the songs in TiO, I personally prefer Church of the Machine. Being the first song I heard from that release, that was the one that really got to me. A close second would be Orion the Hunter.
I don't know...TiO is the only S-X album I have never really gotten into.

You know what...I was originally posting in an attempt to semi-bash TiO compared to DWoT but I just listened to the album and theres not really a bad song on it, they are all pretty damn good. The only one that I haven't given a fair chance is TTLG just because I have never really sat down and "listened" to it. Actually until recently I absolutely despised Church of the Machine for some reason...I would never let it play; the intro and the chorus just pissed me off for some reason, I actually enjoy it quite a lot now once I got past that intro :Smug:.

When it comes to the Divine Wings album however, every song on there I absolutely love except Witching Hour, I really don't like that song. Other than that its freaking amazing. I do however seem to be the only one in the world that actually loves Pharaoh and the Eyes of Medusa, never heard anyone say anything about those 2. But yeah, IMO Divine is definitely better than Twilight just simply because the epicness is so much more in my eyes.

Also, I don't like the first 2 albums very much, but Dressed to Kill is an amazing song. :rock:
I like Eyes of Medusa, but I don't really think the vocal melodies are that great. That polyrhythmic riff is awesome, though! You know, in the intro, when everything stops but the keys? The music in the song is excellent. Same with Witching Hour... great music, bad vocal melodies. With Pharaoh, it just drags on too long for my tastes. The chorus is awesome, but the solo section just drags on...