I cannot stand Pharaoh. I find it so corny. I actually really liked The Witching Hour, great riffs, great vocals, chorus isn't that bad. So Witching Hour it is
And I know you're all going to flame me about this... but a suggestion to SilentRealm: If really un-corny songs are what you're looking for, Symphony X aren't really the band to deliver that sort of thing.
im not adding the first album here coz i havent been able to get into the songs enough to see.. but.. only songs i really find corny is pharaoh, out of the ashes, masquerade, and a couple of chorus' of some others but the music and the verses make up for.
Anyway KBR, you and I already had an extensive argument about how just because you don't appreciate the theme of Symphony X's lyrics, doesn't mean they're bad . I'm not going there again.