LEAST favourite Symphony X song(s) on albums you own...

TDWOT - Out of the Ashes..I always thought this song was pretty cheesy, and the lyrics are kind of lame.

TIO - The Relic..Just sounds a bit bland to me compared to the other songs on the album.

V - Prelude..Just boring, even for just a minutes time that it lasts.

The Odyssey - King Of Terrors..Pretty repetitive, it just dosent really do much for me.
Debut - I think "Absinthe & Rue", although I haven't ever listened to that one enough to know for sure if that's the song I don't care for too much. The chorus was extremely weak with Rod's vocals.

Damnation Game - "Secrets". It just seems weak. I'm not crazy about the Chorus in "Dressed to Kill" either, although I like the song overall.

Divine Wings - I like them all, but I could leave either "Out of the Ashes" or "The Witching Hour" off and not be too upset.

Twilight in Olympus - "The Relic", even though it's not a bad song, it's just the least memorable.

V - I like them all, which is really surprising since didn't really like any of them when I first heard this CD. I think my brain was on vacation when got this one as it's just awesome now! I actually get chills sometimes when "Rediscovery Part I" is playing. I don't know why but the keyboard and guitar together alone just make such an awesome sound!

The Odyssey - "The Turning", which again isn't a bad song, just not as memorable as the rest (kind of like "The Relic" on TIO)

Overall, I think even the lesser songs from SyX are still good songs. They set a very high bar for themselves (as I don't believe anyone else can) which makes it strange to comment negatively on anything they do. I know one thing that surprises me is how many people don't like the song "Pharaoh". I think the change of tempo in the chorus (and the guitar riff) is just awesome! I like the premise of the song too. I think this is one of their best! The other I don't understand is "Incantations of the Apprentice". I've said it before that I think the intro to this song is just amazingly cool! he rest of the song is great too, although I can undersand why some people might not be crazy about the verses, but both of these songs have been described as "hated" in this thread, which really surprises me. I don't know, maybe being such a huge SyX fan I just find the good in all of their songs, but I can't say there is a singel SyX song I even dislike (with exception of some from the first album due to the poor vocals).
Hey Pharoah and Sonata both shove a giant X up all your asses!

Alright a lesson in pain; let's see.....

Debut - "Rapture Or Pain" - Pretty terrible considering.
Damnation Game - "Secrets" - Yeah probably the only Russell-era song that I don't care for.
Divine Wings - "Witching Hour" - Catchy; but not as strong as all of the other material.
TIO - Not a single weak point on it. There's only two things that could have been better: the intro segue to "Church Of The Machine" and the chorus of "Orion the Hunter". Otherwise perfection. If you held a gun to my head, I honestly don't know what I would choose.
V - "The Bird-Serpent War" (although I think "A Fool's Paradise" is slightly overrated).
The Odyssey - "The Turning" - This just isn't as exciting for me as the rest of the record. "King Of Terrors" also gets skipped sometimes.

But I wholeheartedly love Symphony X and we're just nitpicking here. No SX song(with Russell) is below an 8/10 for me. This is just where being a fan and bringing subjectivity into the mix complicates things. Who can SX take honest criticism from if not from their fans?
Prismatic Sphere said:
Hey Pharoah and Sonata both shove a giant X up all your asses!

Alright a lesson in pain; let's see.....

Debut - "Rapture Or Pain" - Pretty terrible considering.
Damnation Game - "Secrets" - Yeah probably the only Russell-era song that I don't care for.
Divine Wings - "Witching Hour" - Catchy; but not as strong as all of the other material.
TIO - Not a single weak point on it. There's only two things that could have been better: the intro segue to "Church Of The Machine" and the chorus of "Orion the Hunter". Otherwise perfection. If you held a gun to my head, I honestly don't know what I would choose.
V - "The Bird-Serpent War" (although I think "A Fool's Paradise" is slightly overrated).
The Odyssey - "The Turning" - This just isn't as exciting for me as the rest of the record. "King Of Terrors" also gets skipped sometimes.

But I wholeheartedly love Symphony X and we're just nitpicking here. No SX song(with Russell) is below an 8/10 for me. This is just where being a fan and bringing subjectivity into the mix complicates things. Who can SX take honest criticism from if not from their fans?

You skip Symphony X songs?

Personally, I think the chorus to "Orion" is nothing short of awesome.
Havent heard damnation game

Divine wings: the chorus in pharoe is possibly symphony 's worst ever moment lol. I dont like witching hour either.

TIO: all cool except sonata, which is a bit classical. They should have gone more late romantic era to make it cool:)

V: Not too keen on poseidon, but live it rocks. Apart from that i love it all

Odyssey: Again, love it all, but if i have to pick one probably incantations of the apprentice.

By the way..all these people who think Rediscovery pt 1 is the worst on V, you must be insane! That first keyboard melody is so emmotional. Possibly my fav ever instrumental by this band.
what exactly is the problem with incantations of the apprentice? I have always thought this was a very solid song and had no idea this many people would include it among their least favs...
Incantations is awesome, I think King of Terrors is the weakest. It's repetative, and it doesn't have as much energy as Wicked or Inferno...

Not that it's a bad song...
Rapture of Pain is one of my faves from the debut and just take another listen to that mid section and the first chorus that comes straight after it in A Fools Paradise. One of the best vocal harmonies I've ever heard.
A Winter's Dream
Raging Seasons (only because of the singer)
Shades of Grey
Thorns of Sorrow
The Oddyssey (only because I have a short attention span)

That's about it.

On a brighter note, I'm a REALLY big fan of The Death of Balance! That's the best song in my opinion.
Debut : Seasons of rage...the vocals is messed up
Damnation Game : Savage Curtain ...well after hearing V who could possibly like this song?!!
Divine wings: pharaoh, i hate the chorus
Twilight in Olympus : like some of u said...the relic
V: *shuts up* :Saint:
The Oddyssey: i felt that many of the songs were repetitions to old Symf x song but the whole album is a killer nonetheless.