Underrated Twilight gems

Russ' vocals on Medusa may not be the most memorable, but I just think he does a great job carrying over that crushing guitar of the verses.

Yeah, Pharaoh and The Witching Hour are probably the weaker songs on the CD, but boy do you get an AWESOME comeback with the title track just after them!

Actually, I really like the intro/main riff of The Witching Hour, especially when the bass plays along at the end of it. It's fun to play along with, too.
It seems the subject is "The worst songs of Divine Wings".... Well, imo Out Of The Ashes is the worst song in the CD, I hate the vocal melodies, I hate the chorus, I hate the verse, I hate the song. Only part of the intro is listenable.

Witching Hour and Pharaoh are easily better although they are not one of their best songs either. Luckily, the album does make a huge comeback with Divine Wings.
Well, imo Out Of The Ashes is the worst song in the CD, I hate the vocal melodies, I hate the chorus, I hate the verse, I hate the song. Only part of the intro is listenable.

Wow, I vehemently disagree. To me, Ashes is just a quick energy-filled neoclassical tune, no less, no more. But I'll take it over Witching Hour, Pharaoh, Medusa... hell, I'd rather hear Ashes live than Of Sins and Shadows or Sea of Lies.

Actually, I really like the intro/main riff of The Witching Hour, especially when the bass plays along at the end of it. It's fun to play along with, too.

I love The Witching Hour's music. I just think the vocal melodies are awful, and that the music in the verses/choruses is boring. But the instrumental stuff in that song is great!
Yup, the intro is the best part of that song. That, and the part right after the solos when everyone's playing in unison.

And right after that song, you get whisked away by the beautiful melody of The Accolade.

Indeed. The Accolade and Divine Wings make the album.
Well, seeing as this seems to have become a discussion of DWoT as well as TiO, I'll give my opinions on both.

The former is certainly cool, and has some mind-blowingly excellent parts... but even though I enjoy it as a whole, I can't say the bulk of it truly speaks to me.

Of Sins and Shadows: Very good song for rocking out, both in all seriousness (guitar at beginning!) and ironically (verses, and especially the backing chorus-like vocals, hehe). And I haven't been overexposed to it! :) But while it's great at what it does, I tend to prefer more thought-provoking music, and thus it lacks real staying power with me. 7.5/10

Sea of Lies: Another song that rocks really freaking well, and the bass-iness (especially when contrasted with the guitar solo about half-way through) is a very nice touch in that regard. I've also managed to avoid overexposure like with Of Sins and Shadows, and the slightly more mellow, introspective part gives it emotional depth, which is pretty lacking in that song. Cool stuff! 8.5/10

Out of the Ashes: A nice feel-good rocker (heightened by kind of ironic, classical-influenced rocking). The chorus in particular is great, and I like the lyrics... they're empowering. But I don't often listen to it, for the same reason as for Of Sins and Shadows. 7/10

The Accolade: Excellent song. It has a good atmosphere and builds a story well, a huge plus in my book, and something that is almost completely absent in the previous three songs. The emotional depth definitely has a greater presence than in the previous three as well (although not as much as some other SX songs). The only qualm I really have is that the synths aren't all that great, and they're too exposed in some parts. 9/10

Pharaoh: My favorite part of this song is the quiet, outer-spacy part, followed by the angry part -- very nice for a little variety. I also quite like the keyboard solo part. The chorus is pretty good, and the verses are decent. Solid song, although it seems largely meant to rock and it doesn't really do that well enough. 7/10

Eyes of Medusa: Quite rockin' despite its slower pace. I am a big fan of the main riff (and the riffs in general, I guess) -- especially when it just *rips* through the quiet part near the end. :heh: I also really like the contrast between guitar and the tinkly sounds (at the beginning). The melody of the verses is really nice, and while the chorus isn't the best, I've gotten used to it and I do like the end of it (to behold the sight...). Definitely seems like an underrated song. 8.5/10

The Witching Hour: Meh. My least favorite SX song off this album, and one of my least favorites at all, actually. Not a *bad* song, but it never really caught my interest, not in small part due to the mediocre-at-best chorus melody. Still, kind of worth listening to on occasion, I guess. 6/10

The Divine Wings of Tragedy: Fantastic song! Favorite off the album, and it's not really that close. There are probably too many things to list that I like about it, but highlights include: Russell layered on top of himself in medieval-like four-part harmony, metal-ified Mars from the Planets (oh yeaaaah), and that last section (Paradise Regained, I think it's called?) -- SO GOOD. But it's pretty much awesome all the way through (to varying degrees, at least). In summary, though: I love it for how progressive, immersive, and musically interesting it is. 10/10

Candlelight Fantasia: And my favorite song of DWoT is followed by my second favorite to end it! It speaks to me more than any of the others, even the title track. True beauty is to be found here, and it is especially introspective and thought-provoking. The part right after the first chorus isn't quite as good as the rest, but no matter, really. 9.5/10

...This is taking a while! I will review TiO after dinner.
All right, now for TiO.

It's a really good, and underrated, album. One of its biggest advantages over DWoT is its consistency: while perhaps it doesn't have quite as much genius as DWoT, its "worst" material is better than that album's. I think I pretty much view them as equals.

Smoke and Mirrors: Pretty comparable to Of Sins and Shadows, I'd say. Not that they sound that similar... just that they both open their respective albums with some sweet rocking, but are missing that extra something to make them true favorites of mine. As far as the rocking goes, though, I think I prefer this to Of Sins of Shadows on the whole, just a bit. I appreciate the touch of evil it has at points. :heh: 8/10

Church of the Machine: Ooh yes, I like. :) Nice 'n' epic, and it's cool how there's no other SX song quite like it. I really like the riff over the ethereal synth sounds before any vocals, and the vocal part is among my favorites in SX's discography (I think I sing the verses to myself more often than anything else by them :) ). The chorus is really freaking sweet, especially with the organ. Just an overall great song. I only have two issues with it: the transition from intro to first chorus is just plain bad, and I kind of wished it ended less abruptly (it's cool when I listen to Sonata right afterwards, but otherwise...). 9/10

Sonata: Not really much to mention here. It's a nice little interlude. I can't say I'm familiar with the original Beethoven, although if I was, I'd probably like it better just to hear the differences. While I do like it, it's not strong enough to be a stand-alone song, and I virtually never listen to it as such. 7/10

In the Dragon's Den: A good, catchy rocker, and an underrated one for sure. The unusual drumming at the beginning and the especially unusual guitar and drumming at the end are nice distinguishing touches. Yet once again, there isn't much staying power. 7.5/10

Through the Looking Glass: Awe-inspiring, and my favorite of the album. Similarly to (the song) The Divine Wings of Tragedy, it's a big bunch of progressive, immersive awesomeness. But in addition, it's pretty emotionally potent for me in a way that DWoT just doesn't quite manage to be, and I just love the really soft, subtle section and the uplifting chorus. On the other hand, it's only somewhat epic, while DWoT is pretty much without peer in epic-ness among SX songs (and longer = more song to enjoy :) ). So, I guess I'll give it the same score. 10/10

The Relic: A decent song. The verses don't really do anything for me, but the chorus is quite cool. As rocking SX songs go, though, it's just kinda average, and it doesn't have anything else going for it. 7/10

Orion the Hunter: Rocks a lot, even with a slow tempo -- and even with a slower tempo than Eyes of Medusa. I like how crunchy it is, and it seems to have a certain attitude that I don't hear in other SX songs, which is cool. I'm a big fan of the verses (musically, although lyrically too to a lesser extent), although the chorus is a bit weird (also mostly musically and partly lyrically). Definitely underrated, though. 8/10

Lady of the Snow: Probably not surprising at this point, but this is another of my favorites. Exceptionally dramatic, even for SX, which turns out quite well and fits the lyrics nicely. I also really like its mysterious qualities stemming mostly from that Japanese-esque repeated instrumental melody, although really I very much like all of the melodic material of this song. Even so, it doesn't speak to me as much as some other songs, although it certainly has more staying power than most songs meant primarily for rocking. 9/10
toh6wy, i know thats mostly your opinion, and i cant say your opinions are wrong, its just i disagree on so many levels...

Giving Sonata a 7?!?!?! How can that possibly tie with Pharaoh(one of my top 15 songs) and out of the ashes?

Also, imo, you rated Smoke and mirrors, Church of the machine, Lady of the snow, and Orion the hunter WAY to high.
Imo you should take 1 to even 2 points off all those....

And what really got me, was that you said Looking Glass was tied(or even better) then DWoT.
Dude..... DWoT is so amazing, so epic, and ends SOO perfect. Its one of their top 3, and Looking glass is amazing also, but not top 3...

I know those were just your opinions and thoughts, but i just felt like sharing mine. I am not mad or anything. :)

My two cents (out of 10)

Sins: 8
Sea: 7.5
Ashes: 8.5
Accolade: 9
Pharaoh: 6
Medusa: 7.5
Witching: 5
Divine Wings: 10
Candlelight: 9.5

Smoke: 8.25
Church: 8.75
Sonata: 6.5 (same as Dragon's Den because I consider it an intro)
Dragon's Den: 6.5
Looking Glass: 9.75
Relic: 8
Orion: 8.5
Lady of the Snow: 6
toh6wy, i know thats mostly your opinion, and i cant say your opinions are wrong, its just i disagree on so many levels...

Giving Sonata a 7?!?!?! How can that possibly tie with Pharaoh(one of my top 15 songs) and out of the ashes?

Also, imo, you rated Smoke and mirrors, Church of the machine, Lady of the snow, and Orion the hunter WAY to high.
Imo you should take 1 to even 2 points off all those....

And what really got me, was that you said Looking Glass was tied(or even better) then DWoT.
Dude..... DWoT is so amazing, so epic, and ends SOO perfect. Its one of their top 3, and Looking glass is amazing also, but not top 3...

I know those were just your opinions and thoughts, but i just felt like sharing mine. I am not mad or anything. :)


Yeah, I wasn't really sure what to rate Sonata. I mean... it's kind of apples and oranges with the rest of SX's stuff. I'd say the 7 was my attempt to balance between thinking of it as a song and thinking of it as an interlude -- because it works really well as an interlude, in my opinion.

Smoke and Mirrors: You know, upon further consideration, I actually think I might have made this 7.5 and Of Sins and Shadows an 8 if I did it again, on account of the latter rocking a bit more. It's hard for me to say which I like better... hmm... but it definitely deserves at least a 7.5, and that's final. :p

The other three: I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on these. Church of the Machine and Lady of the Snow especially are far more awesome than you give them credit for. :p

I certainly agree with your assessment of DWoT, but Through the Looking Glass means more to me emotionally. It has a certain... tenderness, and a movement from sorrow to hope, which touch me deeply when I let them and which DWoT doesn't have. I'm sure it also has something to do with the fact that I was first starting to listen to it when one of my friends was going through a rough time, and so it sort of became about her for me. As amazing as DWoT is, I've never associated it with anything I really care about. Also, I know I like it more than Candlelight Fantasia, so logically it deserves a 10, no?

Oh good, because I'm not angry, either. I'm glad we can have civil discussions about our shared interest in this great band! :)
Well, these kinds of ratings are, in my opinion, plain stupd, but still very fun so I'll join you!
(Very quick one, without listening to the albums for a week or so)

Of Sins And Shadows: 7.5
Sea Of Lies: 8
Out Of The Ashes: 6
The Accolade: 9
Pharaoh: 6.5
Medusa: 7.5
Witching Hour: 6.5
Divine Wings: 9.5
Candlelight: 8.5

Smoke & Mirrors: 7.5
Church Of the Machine: 9
Sonata and Dragons Den: 7.5
Looking Glass: 9.5
Relic: 7.5
Orion: 8
Lady Of The Snow: 8.5
Well, these kinds of ratings are, in my opinion, plain stupd, but still very fun so I'll join you!
(Very quick one, without listening to the albums for a week or so)

Of Sins And Shadows: 7.5
Sea Of Lies: 8
Out Of The Ashes: 6
The Accolade: 9
Pharaoh: 6.5
Medusa: 7.5
Witching Hour: 6.5
Divine Wings: 9.5
Candlelight: 8.5

Smoke & Mirrors: 7.5
Church Of the Machine: 9
Sonata and Dragons Den: 7.5
Looking Glass: 9.5
Relic: 7.5
Orion: 8
Lady Of The Snow: 8.5

Again, i know this is just your opinion, and i can say your opinions are wrong, because they are.....opinions....but i have some problems with this...

Church of the machine tied with Accolade----- No way man, enough said
Relic a 7.5 when out of the ashes is a 6-----No way, Relic imo is way weaker and the lyrics for Ashes pwn it.
Pharaoh a 6.5----- :OMG: Dude, i frkin love this song, the guitar is so awesome and how the songs starts pwns all. Not to mention the best part when Allen sings "I am king of the Land" etc etc This song is a 8.5 for me folks.
Divine wings is better then Looking glass. Putting personal feelings of the 2 songs aside, its just a fact that DWoT is better. Hands down.

Also, Candlelight should not be tied with Orion. Sure The hunter is a kick butt song, and has song really cool parts, but the singing and emotion of Candlelight just make it better, no doubt.

These are just my thoughts and views, nothing personal, feel free to ague your thought against mine!

Of Sins And Shadows: 7.5
-Really good song, one of my favorite off of the CD. Just been overplayed so I tire of it sometimes.

Sea Of Lies: 7
-Same as Sins and Shadows tbh...its a rocker through and through, just a little less than S&S.

Out Of The Ashes: 5
-I don't really like this song too much. It doesn't stand out to me at all and isn't very catchy.

The Accolade: 9.3
-One of SX's best songs IMO. All in all totally epic and somewhat heartwarming. It's not hard but it makes up for it in absolutely ever other way.

Pharaoh: 7.3
-Lots of people hate and dislike this song but I am one of the only that actually gives it its due. Its decently hard, a little slower paced, but good nonetheless. The chorus makes the song for me, its pretty dark and angry which I love.

Medusa: 8
-Another underrated song like Pharoah that many hate on which I find to be an amazing song. Russell's voice soars in it and the lyrics are badass. I don't really like the instrumental breakdown toward the end but the whole rest of the song to me is just hard ass rock. Great, powerful song.

Witching Hour: 4
-Not much to say; tbh I can't even think about how this song goes. I like the part saying "visions dance throughout the land" or w/e he sings, but that's about it. I don't like it.

Divine Wings: 9.7
-I only actually sat down and "listened" to this song the other day and it is now my ringtone. "The Prophet's Cry" makes this song for me. It's so fucking RAAAAAH! I love this song absolutely. It's a Odyssey II for me; nothing but epicness and great musicianship. Only downside is the beginning, in which sometimes I get tired of hearing the church-like vocals and just want to get right down to the powerful march oriented intro. Amazing.

Candlelight: 7.8
-Slow but powerful. I love the keyboards in this song. Definitely not hard, but it makes a statement. Overall great songs.


Smoke & Mirrors: 6.7
-I think I am the only one in the world who doesn't really enjoy this song as much as others do. Its good but its not like "Oh my god I love this song." Its alright.

Church Of the Machine: 8
-Another one that I only recently discovered due to my idiocracy. I always skipped this song because of the long beginning so it never got a chance but after I got past it a few times, I realized that this one is pretty badass. I love the changes and the way Russell sings in this one. Chorus is okay, but not my favorite.

In the Dragons Den: 7
-One of those songs that are okay in my book. Doesn't really stand out but I like the lyrics. I listen to it every so often.

Looking Glass: 6-8
-Haven't really listened to the whole thing and appreciated it as much as Divine or Rediscovery yet, but I am sure it is decent. Just hasn't stood out to me yet. What I remember of it is good though.

Relic: 6.2
-See "In the Dragons Den". I can't really tell a difference.

Orion: 6.7
-A little better than Dragons Den and Relic just because the vocals are pretty badass in this one. Overall a good, solid song.

Lady Of The Snow: 8
-I love this song, its eerie, soft, and moving. Romeo's guitar sings throughout the whole thing and just carries Russell's voice amazingly. I like it.
What's up toh6wy,
I agree that when the band strikes an emotionally resonant chord (no pun intended) in a song, they do it fantastically (i.e. Awakenings, Candlelight Fantasia). Anyway, I'd like to join in on the ratings here, just for the hell of it.

1. Of Sins... 8
2. Sea of Lies... 8
3. Ashes... 7
4. Accolade... 9
5. Pharaoh... 6
6. Medusa... 8
7. Witching Hour... 5
8. Divine Wings... 10!
9. Candlelight... 9

1. Smoke... 8
2. Church... 8
3. Sonata... 7
4. Dragon's Den... 7
5. Looking Glass... 9
6. Relic... 7
7. Orion: 8
8. Lady... 8
Of Sins and Shadows: 8.5
Sea of Lies: 8.5
Out of the Ashes: 7.5
The Accolade: 10
Pharaoh: 8.5
The Eyes of Medusa: 7.5
The Witching Hour: 7
The Divine Wings of Tragedy: 10
Candlelight Fantasia: 9.5

Smoke and Mirrors: 8
Church of the machine: 8.5
Sonata: Not sure what to rate this....
In the Dragons Den: 6.5
Through the Looking glass: 9.5
The Relic: 8
Orion the Hunter: 8.5
Lady of the Snow: 8.5

I really think this list is about right. I noticed i rated them all pretty high, but i did that for all of them so its fine.

Someone that disagrees with my list PLEASE tell me why, i want to know why people like Twilight in Olympus so much better then DWoT!!
