Underrated Twilight gems

Twilight is an awesome album. If it had the epic title track (which I'm sure would have been a rival to The Odyssey if it's part really did go to V), I bet it would be one of their very best albums. It's still strong with great songs like Orion and Looking Glass though. Dragons Den and Church of the Machine are great songs too.
As far as Walling on drums, I think he did a good job. Rullo could have probably done better, but it's good for what it's worth. And I think that the title track would have added monsterous credit to this album.
I tend to disagree with most SX fans in the fact that I love Pharaoh. The timing of the main riff is just awesome.

I agree i love Pharoah! Especially the light section("mystic gods of the stars i summon the from afar...") which builds into the aggressive riff ("i feel the blood flow through my viens...")
Now this thread I like. TIO is definitely the most (undeservedly) underrated album.

As strange as it may be...it is one of the only Symphony X CDs that I can listen to from beginning to end and not feel like skipping a track.

I feel that way with V...it works so well as a concept suite. V, Odyssey, TIO, TDWOT, PL...that's my fav list in order.

I always skip the Beethoveen Sonata on TIO....nothing else.
Sonata does feel a bit out of place, although it makes a nice intro to Dragon's Den (perhaps live, *wink wink*). I also think it's cool how Church of the Machine just suddenly ends and the listener is confused by the change in tonality from ominous heavy chords to soothing classical. It's unexpected, and I love that.

While I do like Pharaoh at times, I do think it drags on for far too long. Some of the middle section could have been cut (same goes for Smoke and Mirrors and Orion, too). As a whole, though, the song is far better than...

... the Witching Hour. I love the music in this song, but the vocal melodies are just... bad! There's no emotion in the vocals whatsoever; it just seems like Russell is singing a really bad guitar melody. The neoclassical musical sections are great, though, and that one riff in the middle is bad ass.
I feel that way with V...it works so well as a concept suite. V, Odyssey, TIO, TDWOT, PL...that's my fav list in order.

Yeah, I would say V comes in second as far as straight-listenability goes for me. You kind of have to listen to V in full to really feel it.

And as for the middle of the DWOT album...I'll not speak of it. In my opinion, those three songs are the Shades of Grey of latter-day Symphony X.
Oh, come on...the Pathetique is fine on it's own without the addition of thin, whining guitar...it's clearly a "neo-classical, oh look at me, I'm so musical" moment...I find the neo-classical thing a bit pretentious.

As much as Sonata's presence on the album is a little jarring and random, MJR does hit a couple of really excellent tensions over it. I understand how the strict form of neoclassical can be pretentious - but at least MJR kept it short, simple, and was about melody in his playing. Imagine what Yngwie would have done over that piece! The only time MJR plays fast is that one little 'up-the-scale' run, and that is really more of a tension lift like a slide or a volume swell than an brazen scalar adventure. If it went on any longer than it does I would probably get annoyed by it, but as it stands, it works as a segue.
I agree that I do not really like the middle of DWoT. Twilight is way better all around. I don't know how one can say that Smoke and Mirrors and Church of the Machine are average. Through the Looking Glass is incredible, and Relic and Dragon's Den have some really sick parts in there. Relic has that really sick egyptian part too.
I agree that I do not really like the middle of DWoT. Twilight is way better all around. I don't know how one can say that Smoke and Mirrors and Church of the Machine are average. Through the Looking Glass is incredible, and Relic and Dragon's Den have some really sick parts in there. Relic has that really sick egyptian part too.

Its funny how this thread has turned. First it was, hey TIO is good and a little underrated, now its omg TIO is better then DWoT

Guys get real, DWoT is better then TIO. Regardless of how much you like TIO, divine wings is better....

One of my main problems with TIO is that it only has 8 songs. And one of the songs is 1:25(sonata)
I think it would be fine that the CD really only has 7 songs, but then ALL of the songs have to be great, which they are not by a long run.

The Relic, In the Dragons Den, smoke and mirrors, and Orion- the hunter are all good songs. Some of them are even very good songs. But none of them are "great" or "epic"
Church of the machine, Through the looking glass, and Lady of the snow are all "great" songs but thats not enough to make the CD better or even equal to The Divine Wings of Tragedy.
This is not a versus thread! We know what happens to versus threads! Twilight and Divine Wings are both great! However, let's face it - Divine Wings isn't underrated in the way Twilight is.

Let's just make a "Greatest Hits" collection and call it "The Divine Twilight Tragedy of Olympus."

01. Of Sins and Shadows
02. Smoke and Mirrors
03. Sea of Lies
04. Church of the Machine
05. The Accolade
06. The Relic
07. Out of the Ashes
08. Through the Looking Glass
09. Orion - The Hunter
10. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
11. Candlelight Fantasia