Top 5 Guitarists

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Oh this is a hard one to answer with so many genius's in the world.

I'd say

1. Tony Macalpine
2. Jason Becker
3. Rusty Cooley
4. Mike Romeo
5. Greg Howe

For rythm / riffers

1. Mike Romeo
2. Dimebag Darrel
3. The Meshuggah guy (Fredrick Thorndale I think)
4. Steiner Gundersen (can you say "technical")
5. Johan Rhinholdz (Can you say "odd-time prog)

What about you guys
My five favorite:

Mike Romeo
Alexi Laiho
Yngwie Malmsteen (his songwriting may suck, but you can't deny that he's extremely talented)
Chris Brooks
Michael Angelo

And Tom Youngblood isn't anything special, his solos aren't all that great.
Michael Romeo (I'm really into his playing style at the moment.)
Alexi Laiho (Got me into metal and playing guitar. I like his stuff a lot.)
Jon Shaffer (Best rhythm guitarist I have ever heard. Unique style.)
Jesper Stromblad (I love his melodies)
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Oh this is a hard one to answer with so many genius's in the world.

Exactly... so this is one of the most silly questions ever.

Don't you guys have other subjects than "the best song", "the worst song", "the best guitar player", "the best band", "the best haircut", "the best refrain after a 1:30 min. guitar solo in a slow song"... ?