Recent content by darcy

  1. darcy


    wooooo! the description sounds like a blend of everything Vortex has done previously, hahaha. Looking forward to this a lot. Especially with Asgeir on board! Watta combo!
  2. darcy

    Sylvus - Sylvus (2010) Canadian black metal

    Download our new album for free.
  3. darcy

    BORKNAGAR announces first ever tour of South America

    That's what makes it awesome. When I watched Flight 666 it made such a huge impression on me, how Iron Maiden's South American fans were so elated, and put up with so much from the government, to see the band play... it was kind of heartbreaking at times. Cheers guys!
  4. darcy

    BORKNAGAR announces first ever tour of South America

    Man... I often notice that on so many metal bands' forums, there are always South American members, clearly die-hard fans, just aching for the band to come play for them and nobody ever does. So I'm really happy for all those folks down south who are going to get to see Borknagar! I will keep my...
  5. darcy

    I.C.S Vortex steps in to handle bass and vocals for upcoming BORKNAGAR tour.

    I hope these "interesting touring plans" include Canada somehow... wow. Awesome. Vortex or Vintersorg, I'm just excited that a band I never expected to really "tour" again will be doing so, opening the slight possibility that I'll get to see them.
  6. darcy

    Erik Tiwaz has parted ways with Borknagar

    This is unexpected! Best wishes to all, though. Erik is a tremendous bassist.
  7. darcy

    Best 'Universal' track

    For A Thousand Years To Come. That one really stands out to me.
  8. darcy

    New Borknagar and Mr. V

    See? We're all friends again. :D
  9. darcy

    Universal: Comments (MODERATED!!)

    My last name simply means "son of Jacob" - it's Ibson, and apparently Ib was a Danish short form of Jacob. My mom's last name, Whelan, means "little wolf" and that's awesome.
  10. darcy

    New Borknagar and Mr. V

    That's the one. I was just talking about "latter-day" Vintersorg in general, as opposed to the early days of Otyg and the first few Vintersorg albums. I know lots of people who dream someday Andreas will resume singing simple folk melodies in his low, manly baritone, or that Borknagar will write...
  11. darcy

    The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

    Absu - s/t A truly triumphant return! Thought we'd heard the last of these guys after Tara.
  12. darcy

    New Borknagar and Mr. V

    It's not about his old style vs. his new style, though. I LOVED his vocals on Solens Rotter, which only came out in 2007. That is, after Origin, The Astral Factor, and The Focusing Blur, all albums which I wasn't so big on, at least vocally. I thought his vocals on the new Fission were pretty...
  13. darcy

    New Borknagar and Mr. V

    I don't have a problem with Defiance or anyone speaking their minds, but if I think his response was poor I'm going to challenge him on it. So many of the responses to her and my opinions- which weren't entirely negative, even- were basically dismissing everything we had to say, just suggesting...
  14. darcy

    Universal: Comments (MODERATED!!)

    I'm all for discussion, I'm not opposed to a debate on the various qualities and interpretations of the album. It just seemed that a lot of the responses were more like blithe dismissals of opposing opinions than any attempt to open a debate. Things like "they just want it to be like album X"...