Recent content by Denial Machine

  1. D


    The opening riff from "An Ocean Between us" sounds suspiciously like the riff from "Creeping Death" by Metallica.
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    Help me to achieve "that" vocal sound

    As far as vocals were always concerned I was one to take the Sneap approach where less is more. Most of his vocal mixes, at least to me, sound a bit rougher and therefore very fresh and pleasing to the ear. I had taken that approach for a number of project with a good amount of success...
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    Metallica's Sound Man Crazy?

    How can you say something so ignorant? If one even manages to use a laptop mic to mic guitars and makes it sound awesome how is that bad? What a piece of elitist trash.
  4. D

    The invention of AutoTuning

    The golden days of music.
  5. D

    5150 not loud enough?!?

    Could mean the power tubes are dying. 5150s with pre-gain on 5.5 and master on 4 are super loud.
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    This is about as funny as finding out you have cancer.
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    Trying to reamp for first time, getting a hum

    You can get these parts at any decent electronics parts store. The trick is to get a nice transformer.
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    Pretty weak CD. Dave is done.
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    EMG's-I've Yet To See This One . . . .

    I have been a DiMarzio Evolution pick up user for a few years and for me there is no better passive pick up out there. You guys should definately try it. It works great with high gain amps such as 5150 or a Dual Recto
  10. D

    So I just got a POD...

    Huh? Using the USB cable to record off of the POD produces the cleanest sound since you bypass the POD's D/A converter and your DAW's A/D converter all together. If you were converting MP3 files to .Wav files you woulnd't first burn em to the CD then rip the CD.
  11. D

    So I just got a POD...

    Can't you just hook it up to the comp with the usb cable and record like that? It works for me with the POD XT.
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    Good Sounding National Albums recorded w/ LINE 6

    Really? How professional of him to state every second paragraph how lazy he is. He sure sounds like somebody to work with.
  13. D

    Unearth live

    Really? To me they are one of the few bands out there whose music is instantly recognizable.
  14. D

    This band is sick. In Flamesish

    New Wave of Swedish Chugging Metal with Andersish Vocals
  15. D

    Bang for the buck guitar amps?

    Try a Bugera 6260. It's just like the 5150 except you add a 1 to the first 3 digits while keeping the last one unchanged. A bargain and a superior amp really since the numbers are higher (as if Playstation 3 is not better than 2)...