Recent content by diablomozart

  1. diablomozart

    say something about ... yourself! a guitar player who got into nevermore about three years ago...obviously late...sentient 6 is still my fave solo tho...d.m.
  2. diablomozart

    Do not talk to Matt Johnsen about old discs - It ends up costing you a lot of money.

    this post brings up a good point...everyone's taste in music is subjective...just because i like crimson glory doesnt mean everyone will...insert any band name there and it still illustrates the point...we can go by recommendations of others but in the end it's down to our personal taste as...
  3. diablomozart

    "Gonna Get Close to You..."

    ya know i could have gone my whole life without seeing that pic...and would have been happier think the biggest question is how someone goes from creating things like rage for order and mindcrime to this...seriously...d.m.
  4. diablomozart

    A theory on the lack of great new bands...

    while i don't usually weigh in on much (i can never seem to remember my password to this place)...this topic has gotten me kind of interested and i'll throw in my two cents for perspective...and remember i'm not talking about prog or traditional metal but mostly about this new wave of metal...
  5. diablomozart

    Pumped to see Fates Warning

    saw fates warning once...parallels tour at the masquerade...still one of the best sounding shows i have ever been should leave a fw show disappointed...d.m.
  6. diablomozart

    Shinedown- The Sound of Madness video

    yep...pretty much the whole album is great...been listening to it myself a lot lately too...d.m.
  7. diablomozart

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    the support acts were very good...and i got to see patrick onstage for the first time...he's got IT and i believe just needs the right foundation to build upon to become very successful in the business...d.m.
  8. diablomozart

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    wow...didnt stay for everyone but have a few things to say (and knew theocracy would be killer as always) i missed some of you was great to meet clay and patrick for the first time...seeing zane was an unexpected the end i would be more than happy and honored to call...
  9. diablomozart

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    yeah's been roughly two years...two looonnnggg years...but sometimes art has to take a backseat to life ya know?...looking forward to seeing you there...d.m.
  10. diablomozart

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    should be cool...looking forward to meeting you...d.m.
  11. diablomozart

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    well...not everything is a would consider james (besides a great friend) a great motivational force...and believe me...i have warned him if torquestra ever has to make a live appearance he would have to be up on stage...on that one he never gave me an
  12. diablomozart

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    i wouldn't bet on torq making any live appearances in the forseeable would take too many people or a lot of computers and sequencing to pull it all off...sorry...i will be at the show saturday night though...any questions about devane or torquestra can be answered then if you so...
  13. diablomozart

    Trent Reznor and downloading music - Is it downloading working for NIN?

    "I actually agree with you that those who choose art as a vocation should be paid for their labor like any other craftsman. If one chooses not to pay an artist for art one should also choose to not possess that art." it kills me when i read someone saying how all music and art should be...
  14. diablomozart


    im just gonna relate a story...last year this whole debate came up on metal sludge...saw people using the same arguments...fact is most people just dont want to pay for anything...had one poster say all bands should give the music away for free and then tour to recoup their costs...and hope...
  15. diablomozart

    Say hello to your next progpower usa band....

    hoo boy...i rememeber someone telling me about this band a year ago...i didnt get it then...and i still dont get it now...if hoogie boogie land ius a place where band members all play different songs at the same time...i think i'll book my vacation elsewhere...i'd rather listen to spinal tap mk...