Recent content by ditches

  1. ditches

    Buffalo - 5/17

    My first concert ever (sad, yes, but only recently did I find bands worth seeing) was Opeth in Toronto earlier in the year. "Hm. One of my 5 favorite bands, brutal as fuck concert, future concerts will suck by comparison." Wrong. All I had to do was see Opeth again, but with better opening...
  2. ditches

    may 17th, buffalo

    I'll be there. With a posse. And a BWP shirt. Also, *bump*
  3. ditches

    A pro-war viewpoint (here goes nothing!)

    You're presupposing not only that a fully-armed Saddam (which is likely if he remains in power indefinitely) isn't a threat, that he wouldn't use "alternative" delivery systems to take shots at the US, that his terror ties and support aren't a threat, etc. Why can't the war be justified based...
  4. ditches

    Therion discussion

    :rock: That's all I have to say about them.
  5. ditches

    A pro-war viewpoint (here goes nothing!)

    I deal with both these points in my original post. And yes, Saddam isn't the only party at fault. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be disarmed.
  6. ditches

    A pro-war viewpoint (here goes nothing!)

    Awww, isn't that cute? Now for Raziel! 1. Containment at best destroys what Saddam has currently. It doesn't destroy scientific knowledge, Saddam's personal wealth and aspirations, and thus does not prevent future re-armament. When we leave Saddam with a *worst-case scenario* of having the...
  7. ditches

    A pro-war viewpoint (here goes nothing!)

    You provide me with a line of reasoning which, taken together, I haven't seen before. The thread is a success! Debate has been furthered! More excuses to post my sig! *ahem* It being 7:47 AM and me needing sleep, I'll save a rebuttal for later. Thanks for providing something worth rebutting...
  8. ditches

    A pro-war viewpoint (here goes nothing!)

    ----WARNING: LONG AS A MOTHERFUCKER----- Advancing a staunch right-wing vantagepoint on a *music forum*. Geez, I'm asking for it. Much of this is taken from things I've already written, so please excuse anything that doesn't "transition" well. Also excuse the use of "we" in terms of America...
  9. ditches

    Please recommend an album from each of the following bands...

    Novembre - Arte Novecento Sentenced - Down; 0132 is SO AWESOME in a way that probably doesn't work in the context of an Opeth forum.
  10. ditches

    Do I smell a slow sellout in the works

    ...I'll second that. I can understand where you're coming from, though of course insert the obvious "you're taking this too seriously by writing a 2,000 word essay on it" jab. I think that had you done THAT post first it would have prevented all the confusion. Here's a simpler way to express...
  11. ditches

    Do I smell a slow sellout in the works

    You were clearly referring to the back-and-forth we had on the "Opeth fans are the fucking best" thread. Even if it wasn't singling me out you were still being a jackass :p
  12. ditches

    Do I smell a slow sellout in the works

    Well, you DID ask for it :heh: Since you're clearly referring to the little tete-a-tete we had earlier, I've got to respond. I have no doubt as to your sincerity or your Metalness or your seniority on the scene, yet I've still got to call you on this. When you're using really...
  13. ditches

    Song Length vs Quality

    Lot to reply to here... "Don't overgeneralize here TOO much..." I'm referring specifically to pop music. Yes, there is some good stuff on the radio; to say otherwise would be stupid. "Mikael should write songs with a length that fits the themes needed to be covered/explored" WE HAVE A...
  14. ditches

    Song Length vs Quality

    Turn on the radio and you're likely to hear some overproduced pile of cheesy mindless pop garbage. These songs run between three and four minutes long- and even the vast majority of that is repeated ad nauseum. Get an average metal band and the songs increase in both complexity and length. The...
  15. ditches

    Opeth fans are the fucking best ever...

    Um... okay... Am I missing something here?? It's not like anything you said was phrased at all in a joking manner. In fact, you go on to explain that most of it was from inside jokes. I don't know what your friends joke about, so when you start talking shit I fired back. Don't assume that...