may 17th, buffalo

Uh why? Buffalo fucking sucks. The venue Showplace also sucks, but there isn't much better around here unfortunately. Too many poser fags around here too that just go to shows because they have nothing better to do. Glad I don't actually live IN buffalo...

Cleveland shows are more fun, but hella far for me.
I can't wait to move, but, I'm thrilled that Opeth is coming!!!! I saw them in Toronto, and they kicked ass!!! I'll be at the show on the 17th, definitely!!
benjikong said:
I can't wait to move, but, I'm thrilled that Opeth is coming!!!! I saw them in Toronto, and they kicked ass!!! I'll be at the show on the 17th, definitely!!
I'll be there. Valgarder, who do you refer to as posers? i hope you wouldnt consider me one just because im 17 and dont dress like a metalhead. but then again i dont dress like some abercrombie horseshit. anyways i cant wait for the gig