Opeth @ Buffalo

One thing that was really funny (to me) was that during the Lotus Eater, in the middle where it breaks into the "funk" part... people on the floor were still banging their heads like it was the heaviest shit they'd ever heard, and some were even moshing LOL.

Opeth hit the stage somewhere around 9:40 I think.

My wife enjoyed the Opeth set (relatively... :)). She noticed that they have a lot more dynamics, and that Mike can actually sing. She also noted that they have a lot more "groove" in parts of the songs than the other bands that night. Didn't seem like "just noise" to her like the first two acts did.

She's not really into this style of music at all, and in general concerts are not her thing (even if she loves the artist.) She came to Buffalo to spend the day with me and keep me company while I indulge myself at an Opeth concert.
I like Matt Pike's stage presence, but he needs to put on a shirt and pull up his pants just a bit more... to hide his butt crack (yikes!).

Not to mention his sexy little TRAMP STAMP!!!! hehehehehe
Opeth hit the stage somewhere around 9:40 I think.

My wife enjoyed the Opeth set (relatively... :)). She noticed that they have a lot more dynamics, and that Mike can actually sing. She also noted that they have a lot more "groove" in parts of the songs than the other bands that night. Didn't seem like "just noise" to her like the first two acts did.

She's not really into this style of music at all, and in general concerts are not her thing (even if she loves the artist.) She came to Buffalo to spend the day with me and keep me company while I indulge myself at an Opeth concert.

Well, good for you to have such a cool wife to join you in such a day. You're not the oldest poster here, btw. Welcome to the forum!
Well, good for you to have such a cool wife to join you in such a day. You're not the oldest poster here, btw. Welcome to the forum!

Thanks man. My wife is very cool about this stuff. Generally music stuff (concerts, my own practicing and band rehearsals) I end up doing it by myself or with friends, and she's always cool with me taking the time to do the stuff I love (and I reciprocate of course.) As long as real life is taken care of first (work, kids, wife) it's pretty easy to do what we as individuals want to do.

There were at least 3-4 confirmed sightings (lol) of people older than me at the concert . One man I saw must have been pushing 60, and also an older woman (had to be 55 ) was there with her family but seemed to really be diggin it.
Thanks for clearing that up. According to a recent interview Blake Judd (Nachtmystium's frontman) claimed he was bringing a Moog player for this tour. I tried to confirm that on thier Myspace about a week ago, but they never got back to me.
I think that TGC should be dropped for Beneath the Mire

Exactly. The setlist is great and all, it's just that a little more variation wouldn't hurt. They have been doing The Baying of the Hounds and The Grand Conjuration to death on the last couple of tours. Beneath the Mire or Harlequin Forest would be much more interesting to hear.

I also remember Mike saying that Per had suggested two really old songs (must've been from Orchid or Morningrise) that they were going to rehearse for this upcoming tour. All I see in this setlist is Night and the Silent Water, that has been the only track played from Morningrise ever since the Chronology-shows a couple of years ago.

Throw in The Twilight is my Robe, Nectar, Karma, The Funeral Portrait or Dirge for November, one of the two Ghost Reveries tracks mentioned above to keep the song choices from the back catalogue more interesting for us who have followed the band for a few years ...
So, does anyone who was at Buffalo have a general idea of how long the show was, in total? Like 3 1/2 hours?

Need to know if I'll be able to catch a 12:10 train home from Worcester.
Carta I love your quote where Stven Wilson is holding up a sign that says "coldplay are Wankers." Thats fucking hilarious.