Recent content by DizzyDfromSC

  1. D

    The Definitive Rose of Sharyn DI + Backing

    Used some revalver and logic mastering.
  2. D

    new song/mix from my band, opinions? (engl e530 + SD metal foundry)

    yeah im hearing it too. it sounds good but i can't understand what the singer is saying... ;)
  3. D

    615 Cymbal Samples, from me to you

    I get an error page when clicking on the drum samples link
  4. D

    Live pitch correction/processing

    I don't consider it "cheating" but I feel that using auto-tune is suuuper lame. .. in the sense that any "good" singer doesn't need it/shouldn't need it Even in the studio.. I hate having to use auto-tune but my pitch isn't quite there yet, however it's been getting better and every new...
  5. D

    Newest Mix for Local band.

    drums sound a little back in the mix. I'd bring them forward and boost some higher freq's if need be for more clarity
  6. D

    Hardcore/post-hardcore style mix. Need criticism!

    Dude in terms of the guitars I had the hardest time finding a decent tone that complimented a mix using Amplitube 3 + Impulses. I tried for days since it was the only thing I had and eventually gave up and found LePou's plugins which helped my mix a lot. I just never felt like I could fully...