I would love it if someone would quickly throw some drums into this mix...

You want us to program some drums, to a badly timed song, without giving us a tempo, and then run it through our software and mix it to fit your song, for free?

Come on man. If you provide us with a MIDI + tempo, I'd be happy to run it through some software for you and that'll give you a decent sounding drum mix, but you have to meet us halfway.
I liked the part where the snare went on each eighth note.

:lol: at the Avenged Sevenfold riff stealing (Unholy Confessions rip-off anyone?).
Lol, alright I'm just going to record drums myself for this in a studio somewhere and have the band pay for the session. I'm probably better than most of you jokers on here anyway considering I've been in 2 signed bands, lmao.
Lol, alright I'm just going to record drums myself for this in a studio somewhere and have the band pay for the session. I'm probably better than most of you jokers on here anyway considering I've been in 2 signed bands, lmao.

Some of us have been signed as well. It is not as impressive as you think it is... And I doubt you are better than a lot of us "jokers" if you don't know what midi is...
Lol, alright I'm just going to record drums myself for this in a studio somewhere and have the band pay for the session. I'm probably better than most of you jokers on here anyway considering I've been in 2 signed bands, lmao.

I actually lmao'd at the fact that you miced a solid state amp :lol:
LOL being signed isn't a so great thing, as anybody can get to you and "sign" you on their crappy label... anyway, how the fuck do you want people here to put drums on such a sloppy performance? Seems you don't know how to edit or don't even know what it is... God that's awful to hear.