Need feedback on ordinary deathcore mix

Since no one else seems to be chiming in, I figure I will. As a whole, the mix just sounds muddy to me. That can usually be fixed with some simple EQing though. Let me ask you, how are you recording everything? Are the drums real drums, or software? And are the guitars from a mic'd amp or are they processed from DI?
Thank you very much for your feedback! The Drums are SSD (the unprocessed ones). Guitars are a boosted 6505 into Recabinet :) I think the main problem lies in the guitars..
Thank you very much for your feedback! The Drums are SSD (the unprocessed ones). Guitars are a boosted 6505 into Recabinet :) I think the main problem lies in the guitars..

I agree. I think that you may possibly be using too much gain on that 6505. It sounds really loose and muddy. I've found success in using very minimalist settings for recording guitars (i.e. low gain and minimal tweaking of the EQ). Don't be afraid to drop the lows on the guitars, the bass will fill it up. And even very little amounts of gain can sound massive in a completed mix after everything is put together because every instrument just feeds off the other.

The leads sound good, and I like the drums, but like you said, the problem lies in the guitars right now in my opinion.

EDIT: I don't know exactly what tuning you're in or what string gauge you're using, but another reason for the looseness of the tone may be too low of a string gauge.
Im only at about 3 o'clock with the gain, but my strings are loose as fuck.. Bought them for drop c, (12-60 iirc) and right now I'm using drop g# :rolleyes: They're also old as shit and were on another guitar before :D Thanks for the hint ^^
I think that's where a lot of your muddiness is coming from then. Seriously, just throw on a pair of them real heavy strings and it'll do wonders for your tone! :)
Too many reverb on the snare, for me it's the main problem, so you should take it down a bit) And maybe try another sample of the snare and add some more compression on it)
Then i hear noise on the piano (Or you have put there a little drive?)
Yeah the overuse of snare reverb was kinda intended, but I guess I've been pushing a bit too far :D
The clipping on the piano was intended aswell, but it's only in the intro