Recent content by doug_dynasty

  1. doug_dynasty


  2. doug_dynasty

    what are you reading?

    Just started "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky, have heard great things about it, hopefully it can live up to the expectations
  3. doug_dynasty

    List your top 10 favorite bands!

    Vektor Panopticon Death Carcass Ulver Bloodbath Gris Dystopia Warbringer Earth
  4. doug_dynasty

    Black Metal.

    Panopticon, Winterfylleth, Ash Borer, Paysage D'Hiver, Sombres Forêts, Cobalt, Wodensthrone. Negura Bunget are a bit older but still very good as well
  5. doug_dynasty


  6. doug_dynasty


    Hey guys I'm Doug, been a metal fan most of my life. Old forum I was on more or less imploded so I figured I'd move here. Look forward to getting to know you all