Recent content by Ekkratuj

  1. Ekkratuj

    Universal Pre-Order (Indie Distribution in North America)

    Any word on this? Thanks for the help.
  2. Ekkratuj

    Universal Pre-Order (Indie Distribution in North America)

    They only have the regular CD listed, I suppose I'll have to go through a European Distributor for the LP?
  3. Ekkratuj

    Universal Pre-Order (Indie Distribution in North America)

    I contacted Erlend of Indie Distribution, and he mentioned buying from one of their retailers as the best way to get the album. Unfortunately, he didn't include any sort of list nor is he responding to any further emails. I've searched around online and can't find any of these supposed...
  4. Ekkratuj

    “UNIVERSAL” official release date and album versions then?
  5. Ekkratuj

    “UNIVERSAL” official release date and album versions

    How much of the recording process was done with analog? Is the vinyl going to be worth getting at all, I mean beyond it being an extended version? Any thoughts on having a free digital download with purchase of the LP?
  6. Ekkratuj

    Borknagar @ Wacken 2009

    My traveling companions are bailing on camping out at the festival. Anyone else here going to camp there? I'll have all this beer and nobody to drink it with :(
  7. Ekkratuj

    Jazz Fusion

    Mahavishnu Orchestra, anyone?
  8. Ekkratuj


    No special packaging, I was a little disappointed with that. The album seems good, I need to sit on it for a while before I pass judgment.
  9. Ekkratuj


    My pre-ordered copy of Origin has arrived!
  10. Ekkratuj

    Vote Best Borknagar Album (believe it or not, this hasn't been done before.)

    I can never decide between Empiricism and Quintessence, so I chose both :)
  11. Ekkratuj

    Who cares about Borknagar...

    It's only half of the band! Where's Sean Malone?!?! Oh right, that whole "session bassist" thing...
  12. Ekkratuj

    Origin review

    Touche' While I admit I've been sorely tempted to start searching torrent sites, I believe it'll be worth waiting to hear the album for the first time in my car, when I throw my copy of the CD in and drive...somewhere. That I certainly look forward to.
  13. Ekkratuj

    how old were u?

    17, I'm almost 22 now.
  14. Ekkratuj

    Just bought Quintessence

    I picked up Quintessence the night before I had to fly out to California from Washington, D.C., so I spent the entire flight listening to the album. I love the album, like love it. It's so hard to pick favorites, but Colossus, The Ruins Of The Future and Genesis Torn are what I'd say if I was...
  15. Ekkratuj

    Analysis of Colossus

    In my head that's how I pronounce Oystein, so I must've typed it that way and not realized it. As for Simen, that must've been Microsoft Word's spellcheck. Sorry! /bows humbly