Recent content by GuitarMaestro

  1. G

    Stone Sour Vocal Sound (Randy Staub)?

    I really would like to get something close to that nice slightly distorted, atmospheric flangey/chorusy sound Randy used on Corey's voice for many of the softer parts and slower tunes on Come Whatever May. I guess it's basically a distorted copy of the vocal track mixed underneath and some...
  2. G

    Cpu Vs RAM

    Depends heavily on the type plugins as you say. I dont use many samplers / virtual instruments. But for a full band mix with 30+ channels a ~5 plugins each I never exceed ~800MB of Ram in Cubase SX 3. Depends on the type of plugins really. Most mixing plugins like EQ, Comp, Reverb, Delay dont...
  3. G

    Better recording quality: Hotter signal and preamp or no preamp?

    For a current project I want to record guitar DI tracks for reamping later (i doubt it will be neccessary - but just in case). I wonder what will yield a better quality DI track in the end: 1. Going directly from DI-Box to Soundcard input (bypassing any preamp) - this gives me a signal...
  4. G

    My Argosy Arrived

    Crazy clients you have man! I guess I would really doubt the studio/engineer if that happened to me haha! Especially in a more expensive studio. Recording is not fun - its serious work!;)
  5. G

    Drums: Mixing with all cymbals miced individually?

    Thanks for the detailed post. As I wrote I usually mic drums the way you do it: OH's, ride, hi-hat and that's it - for cymbals. But this project I am mixing was recorded by expirienced folk at a good studio and they swear by micing cymbals individually. They even go so far that they dont use...
  6. G

    Tube comparison with reamp?

    @LSD-Studio: Do you remeber your verdict though? @Metaltasic: Thats what I wanted to hear man!
  7. G

    Drums: Mixing with all cymbals miced individually?

    I have OH tracks as well and will use 'em. Problem is: Because of the bleed it sounds kinda strange to fade the individual mics in... Yeah - but if I have all the individual mics in the mix it gets kinda messy and noisy. What do guys like Sneap use the individual mics for? I guess...
  8. G

    Build your own guitar effects

    Dont think so! You'll have a hard time building a stom box / preamp / amp from scratch for the price it costs new in store. Only thing that makes sense financially is to mod an existing pedal/amp/etc.
  9. G

    Is the DI tone affected by the preamp ?

    True! But you'll have to adjust the volume anyway when sending the signal out for reamping. And the hotter you hit the a/d converters during recording the better the use of their resolution... And dont underestimate the noise floor. If you reamp through a high gain amp, the slightest noise is...
  10. G

    eq curves

    There are many many plugins for that application. Voxengo makes several plugins that work for this: CurveEQ, GlissEQ, etc. I guess there should be alot of free spectral analyzer plugins as well... Be warned though: Getting close to a guitar sound by matching the spectrum is not all it takes...
  11. G

    Drums: Mixing with all cymbals miced individually?

    Usually if I record drums myself I'll only have OH's and a mic for ride and hi-hat each (which I both usually dont use much at all in the mix) + room mics. However for the project I am currently mixing all cymbals where miced seperately. So I have all China's, Splashes, Crashes, etc. on...
  12. G

    Tuning bass to match the guitars?

    Exactly. The kind that is superior to the average guitarist in groove/tightness. It would be a shame to record guitars first in that case.
  13. G

    Preview-Mixes for Clients - with or without "Roughmastering"?

    I guess the aim is to provide the client with a sample that sounds as close as possible to the final result. I usually mix into a comp/saturation/etc. that is close to my usual mastering settings and changes the balance of the mix quite drastically - so a sample without that would not be worth...
  14. G

    Tube comparison with reamp?

    Did anyone do a proper shootout comparing different preamp tubes in the same amp? I dont have a good enough reamp atm to do it myself. But I would be very interested in hearing the results. I dont buy into the hype about different brands sounding dramatically different in the same amp. Sure...
  15. G

    Getting Clients?

    I guess especially in the beginning it is better to NOT take every job. Because a shitty band will never result in a great sounding record that establishes your name. I prefer to practise on everything I get and only accept jobs if I know I can get something out of it that is sounding good...