Build your own guitar effects

Its good fun,
I've built a couple of things, a Fuzz Face clone, a distortion unit of some sort and i've built a few valve-amps too. great hobby and very addictive.
right now i'm planning a build of the Krank Distortus Maximus and a FET replica of the Mesa Dual Rec pre-amp. probably wont get around to doing it for a while though.
Transparencies are expensive, and do a really crappy job. Tear a page out of a magazine (with glossy pages), print on that (using a laser printer), iron it on the PCB (or use a laminator like I do), wait for it to cool, and then wet the PCB while peeling off the paper. That transfers all of the toner so you don't have to touch up or re-draw any traces.'s cheap!
That sounds awesome! The thing stopping me from getting into this was the cost of transparencys and chemicals. I've done minor mods to things and birdnested from a diagram before so i'd love to try out a couple of pedals.
Be prepared to spend a lot of money up front while you are learning! The method that I now use for toner transfer (magazine paper) isn't perfect, and you'll probably go through a few boards before getting it right. The beauty is that if the transfer was obviously messed up you can just remove the toner with scotchbrite or steel wool and start over. You can't do that with the photo method (which I also have a setup for).

DIY isn't an inexpensive alternative unless you already have tools. Over time expense can be a nice side effect, but it's not always cheaper. Here is a list of sources you may want to check out.

I've built everything from boost pedals to the GSSL comp to API 312s (on the original card layout) to Neve 1272s to Trident 80b clones. I've spent a hell of a lot of money on PCB material, enclosures, chemicals, tools, parts, etc, but it's a pretty nice feeling knowing that you can build top notch equipment.
it's kinda fun. pretty time consuming. can be frustrating to troubleshoot problems. not super cheap, but would be if you make something like a Univox Superfuzz clone. not worth doing a TS clone, there's so many available now.

weird stuff like the bazz fuss is cool - can use it with bass or guitar. super low end death on guitar, like Winter's sound almost.
Its good fun,
I've built a couple of things, a Fuzz Face clone, a distortion unit of some sort and i've built a few valve-amps too. great hobby and very addictive.
right now i'm planning a build of the Krank Distortus Maximus and a FET replica of the Mesa Dual Rec pre-amp. probably wont get around to doing it for a while though.

Woah Dual Rec pre replica would be awesome!!! How?!


cant wait to see how it turns out
you can definately save a lot of money this way

Dont think so! You'll have a hard time building a stom box / preamp / amp from scratch for the price it costs new in store. Only thing that makes sense financially is to mod an existing pedal/amp/etc.
For me, the joy would come from actually building something.
Its nice if it saves you money, but whats cooler than using
something you built with your own two hands :)
you can save a bit of time using General Guitar Gadget's PC boards, if they still sell them. their only like 10 bucks and you just solder everything to it.

you don't have to use a standard enclosure - you can put stuff in little candy tins and stuff.