Recent content by heavycelli

  1. H

    Now Playing

    SAXON - Stand Up and be Counted (DVD version A night out with the boys!)
  2. H


    Deutschland : State of Grace ! Much thx for his superb review Saxonator, Northern lady and Saxonfan!
  3. H

    Now Playing

    Dokken- Long Way home
  4. H

    Pix Saxon Antwerp Hof ter Loo 10-03-2007

    Superb fotos thx for sharing!
  5. H

    Photos Amsterdam Show online

    Nice these concertpictures...
  6. H

    Oberhausen Turbinenhalle

    Nice pictures !
  7. H


    Robsaxon you are famous now!
  8. H

    Inner Sanctum review.

    And the DVD is fantastic too! :notworthy Funny with that shoe-story..and I read that that person is on this board...:lol: ...Somebody shouted : Wake up! strange isnt it?!:Saint:
  9. H

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    Yes a bit, between the lines.. He says we stay honest and true in this documentery. A good thing... stay truth to your Inner Sanctum
  10. H

    Inner Sanctum Chart Positions

    Charts are a moment! An album is forever!
  11. H


    The word communism is not used in the lyrics. But ok Red star falling gives an indication,.. it could be China too of future..maybe? Personally I think its against dictator systems. (diplomatic)The phrase "A million people can't be wrong" is a nice sentence.. And that's the weird...
  12. H

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    Biff says: that documantery thing is about to has good and bad things in it..its not so much about Saxon, but more about Harvey Goldsmith himself.. Saxon stays true to metal that is what counts.. Thx managment for the improvement of the website!
  13. H

    Inner Sanctum review.

    1.Going Nowhere Fast (10+) The song that I did already like since the first 30 seconds on the Saxon- messageboard. Very familiar the content of this song : Stau auf der Autobahn. Scheisse man! Car jam. Accept- flavour and the beginning I hear a sound that reminds me of Slayers...
  14. H

    Now Playing

    The Inner Sanctum (whole CD) - DO NOT DISTURB PLEASE!
  15. H

    Amazon Pre-orders (Inner Sanctum) WTF!?

    I have it!!! Gonna listen to it now and see it now.. Biff is learning Latin I read..nice.. ok.. The boxes are placed now in the good direction, gonna sit on my couch now with water and gonna enjoy the start of a new weekend!