Amazon Pre-orders (Inner Sanctum) WTF!?

me not from the CD-shop today, another day patience for me...I take it as a man,.. nailbiting time still overhere.. when my nails are gone, im gonna eat the flesh from my fingers,..after that the bones..
I finally recieved mine on the tuesday (albeit in the afternoon). I'm gonna try play again in the future. I just wish would allow you to choose free delivery or first class, cos with the free delivery its like 3rd class, lol.

Anyways, thanks for the comments/help. I'm gonna write a short review in one of the other threads.

Good luck to those who haven't got it yet, maybe it'll arrive today.
Got mine today also, was beggining to think the postie had ran off with it!!

Lovely packaging and artwork!

Gonna watch the dvd tonight :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
valanx said:
the postie had ran off with it!!

"postie" <--- looooooooooooool :lol: :lol:

valanx said:
Gonna watch the dvd tonight :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:

so you have no neighbours then ?

you must read the inlay in full - there can be read: "this album can be played only over 90% volume" :Saint:

i´m sure it was biff´s idea to get that sentence printed :)

*play it loud - in your neighbourhood* *sing* :heh: :) :mad: :goggly: :Smug: :Saint:
"postie" <--- looooooooooooool :lol: :lol:

so you have no neighbours then ?

you must read the inlay in full - there can be read: "this album can be played only over 90&#37; volume" :Saint:

i&#180;m sure it was biff&#180;s idea to get that sentence printed :)

*play it loud - in your neighbourhood* *sing* :heh: :) :mad: :goggly: :Smug: :Saint:

Hehe been letting the alcohol flow and celebrating this relese all night, to me, neighbours is just some really shit soap opera :kickass::kickass::kickass: :kickass:

oh yeah.....what is below 90% ??? i didnt know there was such thing especiallt tonight
I have it!!! Gonna listen to it now and see it now.. Biff is learning Latin I read..nice.. ok.. The boxes are placed now in the good direction, gonna sit on my couch now with water and gonna enjoy the start of a new weekend!
Hello, this is my first post here. :)

Don't know where else I could ask and I use this thread. Can anyone tell me what the DVD of the limited edition contains?
I am ready to buy the album and I would like to know.

Oh, thanks. :)

I saw the thread you mention before, but I couldn't imagine by the title that has exactly what I wanted. Anyway, it's now clear that I want the limited edition.