Recent content by IHHguitar

  1. IHHguitar

    Chicago Area Studios?

    Hey all, To keep it short and sweet, I'm looking for a studio in Chicago, or the neighboring suburbs, that I could potentially intern at. I know all of the obvious places like CRC (where I actually have classes right now) and Gravity, but I'm looking to start off somewhere a little smaller...
  2. IHHguitar

    need extra ears on black dahlia style band i just finished

    Everything is really boxy and low-mid centered which is taking away a lot of depth and clarity. The vocals could also benefit from a little more distortion I think, and maybe some more compression. The drums could use some humanization also. Overall it's quite nice, I would just try taking some...
  3. IHHguitar

    Progressive metal with lots of layers

    I think the guitars are high passed just a little too high, making them sound sort of brittle. It's not really detracting from the mix too much, but I think it would they would benefit with just a bit more low end. Everything sounds quite good though. I'm thoroughly digging the tune, man!
  4. IHHguitar

    Catchy breakdown.. addictive drums and "Criminal" head..LMK WHAT YOU THINK

    It seems like you scooped just a bit too much of the mids out of the the kick and toms. The snare is completely lacking body, and has a weird ringing around 800Hz or so that you may or may not want to kill. I personally am not fond of it, and would probably eq it out, but that is just my...
  5. IHHguitar

    Melodic Death Metal/Deathcore song! (Legion, Pod Farm)

    Thanks, guys! So the general consensus would be that the sample choices are the source of the clicky-ness? Or could it be that I've scooped out too much in the mid range of the kick and snare? Processing wise, is there anything in particular you would want to know about, XxSicRokerxX? I...
  6. IHHguitar

    Melodic Death Metal/Deathcore song! (Legion, Pod Farm)

    Thanks! Do you think that it's too much of certain frequencies, or possibly just the sample?
  7. IHHguitar

    Melodic Death Metal/Deathcore song! (Legion, Pod Farm)

    This is a pre-production track that my band just recorded "Obelisk The Tormentor" Mix 01: Guitars: Ibanez Rga121 with stock pickups Pod Farm gate and boost LePou's Legion Redwirez Mesa V30 IR Bass: Ibanez Btb700dx My...
  8. IHHguitar

    PodFarm preamp sims on vox anyone?

    The API sim can add some nice mids, and can be used as a decent saturator if you don't have anything better.
  9. IHHguitar

    Your go-to VSTs for Rhythm and Lead Guitars?

    Usually Pod Farm, LePou Legion and Lextac, and Tse808 for rhythms as well as leads.
  10. IHHguitar

    Parables - final mix (charles J wall master)

    This sounds phenomenal, man. Great job! What pres were you running the OHs and hat mics through?
  11. IHHguitar

    Achieving A Tight "Death Metaly" Snare a la Misery Index "Heirs To Thievery"

    Here's a quick example: Obviously there are other aspects of the kit that need work, but right now I'm focusing on getting a snare that I like. I've tried using the stock compressors in Nuendo as well as Waves Rcomp which...
  12. IHHguitar

    Achieving A Tight "Death Metaly" Snare a la Misery Index "Heirs To Thievery"

    I've tried that a few times with a few different comps. I always get this really nasty transient that rings off, or it ends up sounding like one of Bulb's snares :P
  13. IHHguitar

    Achieving A Tight "Death Metaly" Snare a la Misery Index "Heirs To Thievery"

    I've been using the 13" Piccolo from Superior's library. I can get it tuned similarly and all, but I can't seem to get it to sound as tight as the one on this record. My main problem I guess is dealing with the snare's transients. I really love how the one they used is almost "dead" after it's hit.
  14. IHHguitar

    Achieving A Tight "Death Metaly" Snare a la Misery Index "Heirs To Thievery"

    I absolutely love the drum mix on this album, as well as the entire mix as a whole. My main question, as stated in the thread title, is: how would one go about getting a snare like this? It sounds some what thin, yet it still maintains all the balls and "oomph" that a snare needs in a death...
  15. IHHguitar


    Sounds great man! The only think I can pick on is it seems like the bass, kick and toms seems to be lacking a bit of low end punch, though not much. Like I said, it sounds great as is though!