Chicago Area Studios?


Jul 4, 2010
Hey all,
To keep it short and sweet, I'm looking for a studio in Chicago, or the neighboring suburbs, that I could potentially intern at. I know all of the obvious places like CRC (where I actually have classes right now) and Gravity, but I'm looking to start off somewhere a little smaller where I won't feel as intimidated or get the stink eye for bringing in a few metal bands with "rah rah angry singers" :Smug:

I am also a student at Tribeca Flashpoint Academy, if that helps make me seem cooler :lol:
So if anyone has a studio and is looking for an intern, or simply knows of a few studios I would love to here about it. Thanks!
I work out of a facility in Arlington Heights, but we aren't currently looking for interns per se. Send me a PM if Arlington Heights isn't too far and we can talk.
If you don't mind driving 2 more hours out of the way, hit me up :) I get a tonnn of chicago bands out here!