Los Angeles Recording Studios


New Metal Member
Feb 17, 2012
Los Angeles County
Hi all!

I seem to be unable to find LA based studios that specialize in metal/hard rock recordings. I just finished recording school last year and have been selling pro audio equipment in the meantime. I am looking for somewhere to intern and learn the ropes of actually working in a studio. Anyone work in/own/ or know of a studio that might be willing to give me an opportunity?

I would work in any studio really, but I figure best to go with the genre I know best!

Thanks for any help offered!

PS I can get gear discounts/demos through my job. :rock:
Most recording studios don't specialize in anything, unless they're privately owned by a producer who specializes in a certain type of music. These days, especially in LA, studios have to take any work they can just to stay afloat. I doubt you'll find anything that does predominantly metal. I'd say try to find a studio that has really good engineers/ producers coming through. You won't get all metal, but you'll learn how to make records.