Chin Music Studios?

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[UEAK]Clowd;9038242 said:
Don't record with them. Record with Tony G or Ben Schigel @ Spider right outside Cleveland. I love those guys, they are awesome to hang with and they put out consistently good work.

and the Chin Music guys are nothing but scammers.

Isn't this the dude Chimaira recorded with ? I would love to go there ! :kickass:
Wow I just read the studio dude's post , what a cocksucker. I love how he tried to edit the post after.
Also when I hear Chin Music all I picture is
Damn, i never expected this kinda backlash when I made this thread. To follow up with my band's chin experience: We showed up on a Thursday night and loaded all of our gear in. Immediately we were put off by the conditions of the studio, this includes living and equipment condition. Now I'm no drama queen but I do not kid when i say the "streets of Cleveland where drug dealing and shootings go on" were more accommodating. We were briefly greeted and within an hour or so literally were left by ourselves in the studio with no goodbye and instruction as to when we would begin next day.

We pretty much decided to pack up and leave around 2am in the same fashion in which we were treated, with no notice whatsoever. We booked a hotel in center city Cleveland and wrote and demoed new material that is on our full length in said hotel room. (fyi I received a phone call from chin at 4pm the following day which leads me to believe had we stayed we would have been on our asses alone until that point. And yes i blew the call off)

Luckily our buddy Dave in bleeding through was in town the next day on their headliner with born of osiris so he hooked us up with guest list spots, kinda saving the trip from being a total waste. Any money we would have wasted at chin we reinvested in new gear and are in process of recording the full length ourselves in my singer/guitarist's basement. DIY has never meant more (at least to band's like mine where we are capable of being self sufficient)

I understand many of you warned me ahead of time for this sort of thing and trust me I appreciated it, but I feel like we had to go through this to really make this album as great as its turning out to be. If your capable of doing it yourself, in this day and age with plenty of chin clones you better fucking do it.

I look forward to posting mixes as the recording progresses and can definitely guarantee the final product will be miles above anything we would have gotten there.

(ps: any studio that boasts its association with a label whose biggest artist is vanilla ice should be a red flag to begin with)
wow... crazy story Bryan, sorry you went through it.

some thoughts though... one, or even a million, bad studios existing doesn't eliminate the benefit of having a good producer and/or engineer/mixer working with your band... making good albums is a synergy of good music and good production, engineering, and mixing. and despite what you may think, buying some gear and being good at the former doesn't mean you'll be good at the latter. in fact, it really does take quite some time.. years even... to get really good at engineering and/or mixing... time during which you won't be writing as many songs, or practicing as much. because if you do, you won't have the time it takes to get really good at recording and mixing.

adequate? perhaps... certainly if you apply yourselves, you can become at least adequate in a shorter time-frame... but the world is FULL of "adequate", and therefore quite unremarkable, recordings "in this day and age".

that's just something to chew on.
i totally agree and by no means am i glorifying my skill by any means. There is always something to learn but I feel at the moment I can get my band's sound to where it needs to be.

In the future I definitely want outside perspectives on my music and even with this album I'll probably post multitracks to hear what you guys could do but for now this is the viable option. This forum has taught me so much and my current band isn't even metal ha. I will keep all of you up to date and i look forward to all of your constructive criticism and advice.
I have been lurking on this forum for a long time - and I've learned many things from many people. I've never really posted anything because I never felt I could hang with the cool kids on here.

Seeing something like this really irks me a lot. I will never bust anyone on their equipment or their facility (if their lucky enough to have one!)

But to say that you'll do a lesser job because you don't feel the band is complete rubbish. I have always felt that the biggest part of recording a band is understanding that somebody is going to be listening to that song, and you need to lock into that. Not only are you physically creating a piece of music, but you are creating an experience for the listener. If the experience you craft is made with a "fuck it just dial it in" attitude then you're hurting your art as well as your client's.

I may not have the best equipment or the most experience on the planet, but I sure as fuck try to remember that every time I'm lucky enough for a musician to trust me with their work.
I have been lurking on this forum for a long time - and I've learned many things from many people. I've never really posted anything because I never felt I could hang with the cool kids on here.

Seeing something like this really irks me a lot. I will never bust anyone on their equipment or their facility (if their lucky enough to have one!)

But to say that you'll do a lesser job because you don't feel the band is complete rubbish. I have always felt that the biggest part of recording a band is understanding that somebody is going to be listening to that song, and you need to lock into that. Not only are you physically creating a piece of music, but you are creating an experience for the listener. If the experience you craft is made with a "fuck it just dial it in" attitude then you're hurting your art as well as your client's.

I may not have the best equipment or the most experience on the planet, but I sure as fuck try to remember that every time I'm lucky enough for a musician to trust me with their work.

Great First Post!

For what?

Johnny here from chin music studios, very dissapointed to find this post but you can't please everybody I guess. All the good bands that come to me that isn't There for record deal gets a great product. And ya ya ya, the beds suck, it's messy ... Wah wah wah, cry about it, these bands aren't paying to stay there so I could make them sleep on the streets where all the drug deals and shootings happen. I'm sorry to all the bands that thought we would rollout a red carpet when they get there but we didn't . And if the recordings weren't up to par, it's because the band wasn't up to par, I only make effort when a band gives me a good vibe and if they are a solid band. if u wanna hear good work from me then go to my page
that's where I post bands that I've done that dont suck balls

Had a band who was going to record with me instead go to Chin. I asked this band why they would pay the huge amount that Chin was charging him and their reason was that Chin was going to try to get them signed. I pretty much left it at that. My job is to get their CD sounding great; they can find a manager elsewhere. Things didn't go as planned with Chin and they ended up getting mad about money and breaking up.

Observation: Bands, even ones without the best skill or equipment, are made up of people and you should give them some respect because you were most likely in their shoes at some point. Bands who's music you don't like are paying you the same amount as bands you do like. They deserve the same treatment and hard work or else you will quickly loose your customers and end up pissing people off like Chin and ruin their reputation.
Not one to talk bad about people, but I would run as far as you can from Chin Music, Neil Sheehan, and anything these con-artist are involved with. I have personal experience with these clowns, and the best decision I ever made was to end all ties.
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