I misunderstood, because I assumed you were having tracking latency issues. I just went back and read the earlier post where you said "plug-in" latency, so MY BAD. And trust me... I've done enough reading in the past 9 years. I don't appreciate being called a n00b, in your round about way. I've been engineering for 12 years, mixing for 9, and producing for 5. FAR from a PRO, but FAR from a n00b as well. There was a simple "miss" in my reading your post earlier.
Now as for the plug-in latency... No. They haven't fixed it and I have NO IDEA why. But, honestly, I have not had that many issues with it, because I just use our LE systems for occasional "touch up" tracking, and editing. Before Pro Tools, I was a Cubase & Wavelab man. And quite honestly, with the mics, pres, and comps, etc. that we have at our studios, everything we did with Cubase sounded just as good as everything we've done Pro Tools HD. But, the PT-HD system gets the clients in the door. So, we got it. I mean there are ways around the plug-in latency issues in LE. But they still aren't very efficient. So, I get your point there.
But, personally, I think the kid needs to just go get hands-on experience somewhere, rather than buying a bunch of shit he has NO opinion of, and NO idea how to use it.