All metal recording GODS help us out!

Have to say i agree, once you've had dual, you can't go back

I disagree. I had dual monitors for 6 years, but I switched to single big ass 37" monitor with mere 1360x768 resolution and have used this for 3 years now. I had a 19" and 17" before that, and I have to say that my eyes and head ached a lot more with the smaller screens, because I really had to focus on the smaller pixels.
I disagree. I had dual monitors for 6 years, but I switched to single big ass 37" monitor with mere 1360x768 resolution and have used this for 3 years now. I had a 19" and 17" before that, and I have to say that my eyes and head ached a lot more with the smaller screens, because I really had to focus on the smaller pixels.

Maybe the placement was bad? I'd think that 1360x768 is not big enough resolution for most people. I have 22" 1680 x 1050 screen and I'd like to have a little bigger resolution or even a second monitor. I'm kind of guy who likes to have everything visible and avaivable, mixer window, multitracks, vst etc. and maybe web browser, winamp, messenger etc.
Nowadays 22" monitors are really cheap, I think best bet for studio work would be to get 2 of them and use main one for the tracking window and second one for DAW mixer window. I see no need for 30" screen in DAW use, would be sweet for gaming though
I think that the big ass monitor would be pretty cool, but i think the real advantage in using dual monitors is having the windows maximize to each individual monitor. To me that just helps the work flow better because it's easy to seperate and manage differen't applications from each other.
lol i just recently started using 2 19'' monitors at work although theres a 2-3 foot gap in between them for the desk that i cant really do anything about, and atm i'm finding it annoying as ill open up a bunch of vsts or even my documents and spend half hour looking for the damn window forgetting that i have 2 screens lol not good on your neck, i need to re-arrange the studio i think lol