Recent content by jloof31

  1. J

    optical i/o with pro tools

    hey i currently use logic pro 9 with a saffire pro 40 i/o. next year im going to school for recording and ill have to switch to pro-tools. im wondering if getting a cheap i/o for pro-tools with an optical input to use with my saffire pro 40 would work. basically i really dont wanna buy a...
  2. J

    Question about Steven Slate

    so i just got the Slate EX plus two expansion packs deal and its working out great. ive been using them alongside the logic drum replacer. i got the metal and more and rock pop 3 packs. i wouldnt mind knowing what some peoples fav slate samples are! kicks, snares, toms anyone?
  3. J

    Question about Steven Slate

    thats what im wondering. i use logic now so i was considering puttin the wavs in the esx24. im considering buying EX now actually since they are offering a buy one get one expansion pack with it.
  4. J

    Question about Steven Slate

    hey everyone im sure im not the only one waiting for steven slate to release Trigger but i had a quick question about slate drums. its been rumored that Trigger will come with slate samples so i was wondering if you can buy an expansion pack (i.e the metal expansion pack) without having first...
  5. J

    getting a mac book pro, looking for advice

    i've been using logic 9 for about 5 months and i used logic 8 before that. its super easy to figure out and joey i dont think youll have any problems with it. its def very stable. i would however look into getting an iMac instead of a macbook pro. they have the same specs for a fraction of...
  6. J

    slow down, guitars....

    Logic 9 has a feature called varispeed that works pretty well. ive only used it a few times but it seems to keep the quality of the track when sped up pretty well. as for nuendo i am not sure