Recent content by KantQontrolMyself

  1. KantQontrolMyself

    holy crap, could you use Dianetics to unbrainwash yourself from Dianetics??

    I know how you can unbrainwash yourself. Just realize the fact that it's complete and utter crap! Facts > vagueness. Except in the case of poetics of course.
  2. KantQontrolMyself

    ok the lyrics on the new testament songs are just plain silly

    I smell a new concept album...!
  3. KantQontrolMyself


    Haha, one of my personal favorite Simpsons moments.
  4. KantQontrolMyself

    so my sister came to me with a concern about my 9 year old nephew

    Just get him into maudlin of the Well already...!
  5. KantQontrolMyself

    Dear Alex, I was never mean to that bear.

    I'm sad that I'm flying...
  6. KantQontrolMyself

    Your public schools...

    Hell, she makes herself sound like a high school dropout, making her a "DEE DEE DEEEEE!!!"
  7. KantQontrolMyself

    I fucking hate it when big acts change their songs at concerts

    Sadly, most of the time when bands change things around, it sucks. However, when I saw Kayo Dot do that guitar version of the ending of Antique, I was really impressed with how it sounded practically as beautiful as the piano version (I prefer the piano though). So it doesn't always suck to...
  8. KantQontrolMyself

    Youtube and Kayo Dot

    I think the video was out of sync on some parts... In either case, that sounded pretty awesome, though the actual recording of this is still one of the most amazing things I've ever heard.
  9. KantQontrolMyself

    Guys, I've had a revelation.

    Way to have a revelation while listening to a joke band like Crotchduster. They freakin' rule though.
  10. KantQontrolMyself

    i'm in the hospital

    A Kayo Dot meets Impaled album...!
  11. KantQontrolMyself

    i'm in the hospital

    Haha, Toby laid a burn.
  12. KantQontrolMyself


    'Sup Paul. And since I'm kind of a newbie here too, I'll state that my name's Austin, and that I draw comics/cartoons and all genres of metal are awesome to me.
  13. KantQontrolMyself

    A Female Mimming Batch! (AKA, TobySleep Dialogue)

    Haha, that's a great story right there. We need more!
  14. KantQontrolMyself

    Manifold Curiousity question

    Wow Toby, this answers a whole crapload of questions I had about that part. 3 brilliant passages in one that all connect? Freakin' awesome. Now it's a hell of a lot cooler to listen to that part. Thanks for your help!
  15. KantQontrolMyself

    Manifold Curiousity question

    Okay, this has been bothering me for a LONG time, and I just can't figure it out precisely, so why not ask the forum? Anyway, the part where it sounds like reciting poetry with violins in the background, what exactly is that entire thing saying? I know I can catch "'Twas ten years..." and...